What the title says ^^
Sacred: +2 effective level for turning undead
Eternal Faith: +2 effective level for turning undead, max HD +2 and total HD +4
Type: Posts; User: x_s0wL_x; Keyword(s):
What the title says ^^
Sacred: +2 effective level for turning undead
Eternal Faith: +2 effective level for turning undead, max HD +2 and total HD +4
Thank you all for your answers, really. Very helpful. However I actually decided to go for a pure Pali :P Starting stats I chose are very close to these though, and i decided I'll invest some and...
Thank you. That was very helpful. And I assume the short sword is for the off-hand right? Also, yeah i have already read most of that thread but the thing is that everyone is taking tomes into...
The reason i mentioned that I'm looking for builds is that i don't really have what it takes to create a good build on my own. So, i guess sneaking is out of the question if I can't max out hide and...
Yeh I have read that page, as i said I'm looking for builds not info on making one
Hello. I'm trying to build what the title says. Note that it has to be a 28pt build. I have been researching the forums on this and found useful info, but I really don't wanna mess up another toon so...