ahh ok thanks the makes sense!
Thank you!
Type: Posts; User: mcavity; Keyword(s):
ahh ok thanks the makes sense!
Thank you!
So according to the description -
"our magics consume bits of your opponent's form, disintegrating bits of them for 2d10 Chaotic damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. The damage...
Thanks for the clear answers guys!
Ok, I have a few questions.
I'm retiring after a long absence and decided to try hardcore so I'm using this build..
However I do have some questions.
1. why night shield vs shield?
2. once...
I just pulled hair dye : charcoal from a chest..
I thought that was a store only item?
Yesterday I went to Korthos island to run some favor.
I ran The Collaborator and pulled 3 vorpal weapons..
here is a screen shot of 2 of them - I gave a long sword away....