
Type: Posts; User: SatansToupee; Keyword(s):

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  1. Whats he best end game gear set up for assassin or acrobat?

    Just got back into the game, so is it the sharn set with the 5 piece dino set? what weapons? still he pain and suffering? the staff from LOB? what augments should I be farming etc.?

  2. I can't log onto Kyber server, I can on all the others.

    Kyber is my server I play on, Last night one toon couldn't go into a quest (and he had no party chat as well, The no party chat started first and all my toons had that issue, even when I quit the...
  3. When will we be able to transfer characters again?

    When will we be able to transfer characters again?
  4. Can you play a "Single Weapon" long sword Paly?

    since Ive been a single weapon ("Soulrazor") fighter was wondering if its possible as a pure paly? Or should I go to great sword "Blackrazor" or long sword and shield? Id prefer to be more DPS over...
  5. how possible is a VIstani dagger build with vile alchemist?

    Is this a good synergy? 2 weapon dagger? go pure Alchemist? INT ? DEX?
    List any ideas or builds please.
  6. anyone else lagging bad with this new "wine"? Mac users

    anyone else lagging bad with this new "wine"? Mac users. I'm lagging bad in market, house J, P where ever but quests far worse can barely move, Long load screens. Any solutions? Ive had to start from...
  7. anyone else lagging bad with this new "wine"?

    anyone else lagging bad with this new "wine"?
  8. Replies

    none of this till helps us Mac users, u

    at least you get to play a broken game
  9. I thought there was a new pacth to fix this nonsense toady? I still cant log in.

    This going to be an on going thing SSG going to forget there are Mac users out there? This is just adding to me NOT paying for this game anymore. How ABSENT minded to you have to be to keep forget to...
  10. Replies

    Looking for mx DPS bow using archer

    Pure or multiclass dosnt mater. Appreciate any ideas. Im looking for a toon max dps high end game.
  11. Im looking for a max DPS bow using archer

    Pure or multiclass dosnt mater. Appreciate any ideas. Im looking for a toon max dps high end game.
  12. Replies

    I am using a bow not any x bow

    I am using a bow not any x bow
  13. A good idea or a mediocre Idea? Pure elf rogue AA tree (bow) and Rogue Mech tree (ra

    I was Thinking about turning my pure ranger into Elf pure rogue (using the AA tree from Elf) and rogue Mech tree. Full AA tree, so am I giving up too much or gaining something useful and interesting?
  14. Replies

    A good idea or a mediocre Idea?

    I was Thinking about turning my pure ranger into Elf pure rogue (using the AA tree from Elf) and rogue Mech tree. Full AA tree, so am I giving up too much or gaining something useful and interesting?
  15. Anyone having trouble loading the game after the new update?

    Anyone having trouble loading the game after the new update? The game loads all the way through and cancels just about as its going to load your characters.
  16. Update error occurred: The request could not be sent. The New "Sharn Pack" 05-14-202

    Anyone else having this issue? I have a Mac book air. The launcher goes up starts goes to files says Done! full blue bar and that's it. Really need some assistance here and SSG is USELESS.
  17. Update error occurred: The request could not be sent. The New "Sharn Pack" 05-14-202

    Anyone else having this issue? I have a Mac book air. The launcher goes up starts goes to files says Done! full blue bar and that's it. Really need some assistance here and SSG is USELESS.
  18. anyone else having problems with new Update?

    "An Update error occurred" I get this when I try and load the game ( after I finished or presumed I finished the update of sharn). I have a Mac is this a possible issue?
    anyway how can I solve this?
  19. anayone else having problems with new Update?

    "An Update error occurred" I get this when I try and load the game ( after I finished or presumed I finished the update of sharn). I have a Mac is this a possible issue?
    anyway how can I solve this?
  20. Replies

    thanks, the 22 hour maintence stretched in to 72...

    thanks, the 22 hour maintence stretched in to 72 hours looks like another 12 hours plus
  21. Replies

    The Game is till down?

    I see the forums are back up after 3 days but I cant get the game to work. "The Game is till down" i sthe small window that pops up. If I dont click it and wait a few seconds the next window pops up...
  22. Replies

    Aasimar viable as a DEX based Acrobat?

    Aasimar viable as a DEX based Acrobat? compared to a Halfling DEX based. can anyone explain the pros and cons? I know its a loss of DEX between the two but does it matter much over an Acrobat?
  23. Replies

    I feel your pain

    I havent been able to play the game since Thurs patch, its bugged out starting the game. I'm VIP and have been for 11 years. Before you could actually call someone (with in business hours) and get...
  24. I have sent a ticket

    I have sent a ticket to Technical Support and they have not replied/responded to me at all. Why I am asking here.
  25. Well I have a Mac (MacBook Air)

    Well I have a Mac (MacBook Air)
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