Before you do the Lords of Dust quest, it's a mainly normal wall.
After doing the Lords of Dust quest, the big crack appears with the red glow coming from it.
Those pillars / archway around the...
Type: Posts; User: vryxnr; Keyword(s):
Before you do the Lords of Dust quest, it's a mainly normal wall.
After doing the Lords of Dust quest, the big crack appears with the red glow coming from it.
Those pillars / archway around the...
sweet merciful ****, please let us toggle this on/off, or let us customize (lower) the volume of the sound effect, and/or let us change the ! icon to something more aligned with the /stop command...
Yes. This.
This needs to be stressed and repeated, as it's a common issue that many people forget about or miss.
You need to grab the quests from the epic NPCs (different from the heroic NPCs)...
Remember: metamagics will not show up in your character sheet breakdown, as they can be applied (or turned off) separately and individually to each spell.
Thanks. That's exactly where and how I was going to do it.... *shakes fist at self for forgetting my login credentials there*
I was going some first chest runs on Skellies for some dino items, and realized I didn't know exactly when the raid locks to prevent late comers from entering (I wanted to invite some friends after I...
While normal rangers only have light, the Dark Hunter is proficient in Medium armor
Rerolling costs 100 threads.
Crafting a new legendary one costs 250 threads.
Both create a new gem with completely randomly chosen set bonuses.
How does making a new one instead of rerolling...
Did something change? Lamannia has (to my knowledge) never been advertised as a "test" server, it's always been advertised as a "preview" server. It exists for us to preview new content before it's...
Yes. Because we are limited to only having several thousand HP, while enemies (especially in raids) can have millions. If player and enemy spells do the same damage, than we should have the same HP...
1: we experience time linearly. This means there is no jumping forward to see what will be, nor going back to do things differently. There is no guarantee that some specific...
When kasimir's sister is out in the library talking, you can talk to her. Tell her the 4th password. This will progress the scene to eventually summon Strahd's minions to fight.
Even though the OP's topic was not about a specific religion or religion in general, it did use religious language and was in fact a call to perform a religious act (prayer) in "public", which has...
This simply isn't true. There is no random time waiting for things to happen here, just running through a spawn trigger (which is not truly known) that is easy to hit by simply running a full lap of...
There are exceptions, but from what I've seen so far, most of those who transferred moved as a group, and many who stayed were not in those groups "in" crowd. So many who stayed are still filling...
Ignoring coins (getting them all post run) but hitting all checkpoints, and without actually rebuilding specifically to speedrun (so no shadowalk, no action boosts to speed), got a time of 54...
While no FF is faster in general, I kept FF on and held shift at strategic points to fall faster, that way I could reactivate FF by letting go, resulting in bouncing off walls to gain even greater...
On the slide, not focusing on coins but still getting all checkpoints, I got down to 56 seconds. weee!
I know speedrunning is a very niche community in general, and even smaller in DDO. But figured I'd put this out there.
Due to an excess of Frozen Keys, I decided to speedrun the slide and the...
I fully expect to get ninja'ed by C-Dog or someone, but here goes anyways!
Any heart with a +# is a lesser heart, which is for respeccing. the +# is how many class levels you can swap to a...
Same. :)
A successful perform prevents the fight altogether.
Coffee break. Because one is a website that can be accessed by any device (your phone for example) and is as simple as reading and sometimes even writing, requiring very little commitment of time...
ones that are not immune to crowd control can be crowd controlled. If you're not a caster, you still have options, like stun. They can't sing their song at you when they're stunned. If there is an...