
Type: Posts; User: mr.stevens; Keyword(s):

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  1. Poor execution and advertising of Hardcore transfer window extension

    You tell us in the launch window to NOT transfer and await further further instruction.

    That instruction never came, not in the launch window. Not in the place that you would expect that VERY...
  2. Replies

    I missed the window too. I did not see a message...

    I missed the window too. I did not see a message in the launch window despite looking every time I logged on. I was worried I would miss ths window! Not happy.
  3. Poor execution and advertising of Hardcore transfer window extension

    You tell us in the launch window to NOT transfer and await further further instruction.

    That instruction never came, not in the launch window. Not in the place that you would expect that VERY...
  4. Replies

    Poorly executed

    So, you tell us in the launch window to NOT transfer. Then DO NOT tell us in the launch window that we SHOULD transfer. Some of us don't troll the forums on a regular basis.

    Thanks to this poor...
  5. ...said the robot.

    Here are a few examples of apologising you could have used.

    1) "Sorry for any inconvenience caused to so many of our loyal players."
    2) "We sincerely apologies for this issue."
    3) "Unfortunately...
  6. DOT's stack to FAST to react

    Thank you. I tried this. Unfortunatley the dots stack so quickly you have little hope. But you're right, it's worth the risk if you have no other option.

    Video from another thread shows how...
  7. Replies

    I died on Normal at level due to this bug.

    Avoid any quests with water (or any fluids) in them. I died in 'Into the Deep'.

    I heard the howl so I jumped onto dry land and waited for the spawn. The hound spawned away from me on the water and...
  8. Replies

    The Fountain of Wonder

    I don't think the person that died found it hilarious. But being killed by the Fountain of Wonder in the Feywild was one I spotted.

    Hmmm, I think I'll just have a nice drink from this lovely...
  9. Hardcore Hound bugged out and killed me. AVOID WATER

    Forget the favor, I was just going for lvl 20 and the sash. I was playing normal. All was going well I was level 9.

    Then a hound spawned on the water and started yo-yoing. Impossible to kill....
  10. Totally agree

    I used to often run the Saltmarsh wilderness area to loot rare chests. 1000 Sentient XP, lvl 30 named items; yum yum yum.

    Since the Isle of Dread.............NOTHING! It is NOT a coincidence.
  11. Replies

    36 Point Build Another vote for the Fire Domain.

    The Evocation bonus from the Magic Domain would of course be welcome by anyone and the chain missiles would be fun at level 5. However the spell point and universal spell power bonuses don't add much...
  12. Replies

    It's a start

    At least we know they know.
    Thanks Cordovan.
  13. Thank you

    My math only worked with the 1:4 ratio. Finally I've found someone to confirm this. Was beginning to doubt myself!
  14. This may be useful

    An old build that I played and thought was good.
    You may find an idea or two in here.
  15. Feywild -The Thornwright - cannot complete in certain circumstance

    One of the quest objectives is "Speak with the Dryad". If you enter the cavern in which the Dryad [Salix - Gate Warden] is located and kill the War Hounds before 'speaking with the Dryad' the 'test...
  16. The Winner

    Ging gang, goolie goolie goolie goolie watcha / Ging gang goo, Ging gang goo

    Ging gang, goolie goolie goolie goolie watcha / Ging gang goo, Ging gang goo
    Heyla, heyla sheyla / Heyla...
  17. Replies

    Winner winner...

    ...broccoli dinner!
  18. Replies

    Epic Completionist

    Hi, BRIGITTEA is Epic Completionist.
  19. Replies

    Boring bug report

    Hey Lynnabel,
    I have a spinneret lvl 10 with a +1 mythic bonus in the Slaver's Mythic Slot from the statuette. It does add +1 Melee and +1 ranged power. It does not add +1 spell power. It does have...
  20. Clarification

    Thanks for letting us know.
    So this affects just weapons? I know it says weapons, but I wouldn't like to risk using it at all without clarification. My cloak upgrade can wait.
  21. Replies

    Misselling and goodwill

    I expect Cordovan got the words for his post from the sales department.
    I would imagine they are trying to mitigate the error.

    Surely advertising "one for you and one for your alt too" has got to...
  22. Replies

    Tidy lasses and pints up the wazoo!

    Tidy lasses and pints up the wazoo!
  23. "This is a team game". Brigittea - Thelanis

    "This is a team game".
    Brigittea - Thelanis
  24. I have a card 9 on Orien, I want your card 9 on Thelanis.

    Either contact me here, my toon 'Cardsofjoy' on Orien or my toon 'Dezroy' on Thelanis.

    Update: Trade Complete and card buddy on Orien found.
  25. I have card IX on Orien.

    I have a card IX on Orien. I want a card IX on Thelanis. Not sure which way round your trading, so I thought I would just reply. My toon on Orien is called Cardsofjoy. My toon on Thelanis is called...
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