Reserved for future use
Type: Posts; User: Belegdur; Keyword(s):
Reserved for future use
for the 1st life HC Season 5 version and initial build...
The party had just finished the end of The Collaborator in Korthos and while waiting to exit, a hound appeared. If there was a warning, it was lost in the end fights.
Some party members weren't even...
AC was constantly increasing but a very very rough guide would be 10-12x your level. PRR should be at least 25% with the Min level 5 gear and will be at least 50% in Epic. (I was roughly 67% in mid...
In the writeup above "initially this build had no tomes until level 9... If not using a tome, adjust the starting stats to 15 Str (using the +2 favor tome on str), 13 Dex, 13 Int."
I found Open...
The 1st level of Paladin gives you a Favored By Feat - so choosing Helm gives you
"You follow Helm. You are proficient with bastard swords and gain +1 to hit with them."
Reserved for future
Belegdur was a fun build I created for the last Hardcore Server that fulfilled the goals I wanted: Highly Durable with highest AC I could realistically create, high HP and enough offense to actually...
"This was fixed several updates ago. It is... wait for it... a non-issue."
I only came back to the game around U21. And I just changed out the enhancement last week.
Still is showing as...
Another thing - why does Assassinate not work with Venomed Blades turned on??? They are in the same tree, yet a rogue needs to turn off damage in order to Assassinate.
And why does Assassin's Trick...
It's not about the Bard Swashbuckler tree being uber, its that the Rogue Trees are underwhelming and strictly designed for specific design builds with limited weapons.
Thief Acrobat - Dex based...
Random thoughts about Guilds
-Guild Amenities may have been the worst thing to hit the game on some level. It started a serious power creep.The buffs are useful to the Level 20 Epic quest crowd (max...
Lockpicks are 50 to a slot - but I have gone through 2+ sets easily when farming or doing a series of quests that are far from a Bank. Picks can drop like crazy or never drop for long stretches. You...
Think like a fresh brand new player just starting the game. No deep pockets filled with gold. Scrounging for gold just to buy the larger Collectibles Bags and Gem Bags. And now getting overwhelmed...
The game is throwing more and more Ingredients at characters but not keeping up with ways to store them. Especially Rogues now that they get several types of Trap Parts from disabling traps. Those...
Both of those responses show you are thinking as an established character and not someone training up their first - in this new "More Ingredients than Ever" environment of trap parts and Crafting...
But that doesn't really address the main problem of storage space for a rogue while actively questing. With the new trap parts, the various types will fill up a Tiny Ingredient Bag all by themselves....