Right on!
Type: Posts; User: Livmo; Keyword(s):
Right on!
It depends on Skills (Search and Disable Device), Gear, and Past Life Feats. You can buff your INT with Enhancements as well.
For example my barbarian can out trap most trappers. However, I'm...
Yes please and thanks!
Great idea fitzabir!
I'm Premeium and never been VIP.
I have 32 active and avail to play char. slots, because I purchased them.
I played on both servers tonight. Good times!
Time to sleep :)
I've got a few of these, https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Button_of_Winning
Time to enjoy!
Watched it like 5 times. DAAANG it! Ya'll gonna make me go outside and see it in the theater : ) )
It would be great if 1 month each year there was a free transfer event from all servers to server X.
During that time the following are on sale in the DDO Store:
Character slots
How fast should I run?
The best answer would be fast enough that you're confident you don't have to look back!
(As fast as a barbarian in DDO speak.)
The shouts and cries from G-land couldn't be ignored at the highest reaches in all the realms!
Seriously new DnD movie is coming out and I'm now seeing adds all over YouTube and...
I'm geeked to make a Bladeforged!
With a glamoured Balance Bat from the anniv. event for my spell stick.
I have allot of orbs. However I might go old school with the Skyvault look.
Thanks I didn't see that on my L7!
That you're a Sarlorien :)
Don't forget to transfer:
Plat to toon to tranfer to another server
Green bag items
Red bag items
Augment bag items
Character Inventory = yes
Character Bank = yes
Shared Bank = no
Plantnum Bank = no
Astral Shards = no
Pets = no
Mounts = no
Melee power applies to chain whip.
Did you know you can invis sneak into a mob and whip the bleep out of them and remain invis?
When the whip finishes drop the bomb.
I prefer 2 levels...
I run a wiz in heavy somerimes ; )
I've only exp. the lag there doing Thunderholm slayers in a raid group.
It's nice to play raids on Orien and not lag wipe.
I used to raid allot on G-land until the lag troubles and glitchiness....
I've seen a few get past 100 already. Still the 70s is awesome!
I've only hit level 23 so far on the kracken I bought there.
Allot of folks left, becuase that server is glitchier than the others.
I'm cruising DDO Audit Right now while taking a break to eat : ) )
The only place I've suffered lag on Orien is in Thuderholm PST.
If you have 10 charecter slots for example, you can make 10 chareters on each server. You can try before you buy. Roll up an iconic....
This is my experience as well playing the PST time zone on Orien.
I use DDO audit and switch serves on my main account when I find a raid I'd like to eat :D
I'm starting to run low on raid...
This statement aligns better to the majority that made the change based on my play experience. I play during PST and I'm having a blast!