I would also like to know the results of this. It sounds fun! Good luck.
Type: Posts; User: dennisck2; Keyword(s):
I would also like to know the results of this. It sounds fun! Good luck.
"If you're having bug problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems, but a bug.... is only about 3 or 4 of them." Jay-Z if he played DDO (probably)
Those Synergia cats are a bunch of noobs! J/k fellas. Miss y'all. Happy Thanksgiving!
Wait for it..... How about we just leave them the way they are? I swear, it's like you don't want people to come back. None of this stuff needs to be level gated. And if you're going to change...
This! And Leo Moracchioli. Anything by Leo. (look him up if you like metal remakes)
I know this will catch hate, but this is what I wish as well.
I agree with all of this minus Necropolis (Nothing wrong with it, I just don't like the quests personally. You could triple their xp and I would still skip them. I don't like them that much.)
I used to play quite a bit, and by that, I mean I was neckbearding it. And spending about a car payment's worth of money a month. However, I haven't been playing recently for 3 (main) reasons:
And we see it a lot....
Grats folks! And KP stole a lot of our Argo talent when he left (j/k).
bumparooskie. This is getting stupid. Help this dude already.
Do.... Do we really.... want that?
Thanks so much for this. I'm bookmarking this page so I can come back to it for my barb lives. Appreciate the great write-up.
Bump. SSG, please quit sitting on your hands and help these folks.
You could shave off 15 minutes by dropping that gimp Juspion and getting a good tank :P
You always have the best gifs!
Always good to hear about vets coming back! Especially to Argo. Good news.
And this. Problem solved.
/signed x10
Bump. For everything that is holy, can this guy please get some REAL help. Please? Pretty please?