erg i baught it before i saw this thread, does it actually work? is there a way to make it work?
Type: Posts; User: zafahor; Keyword(s):
erg i baught it before i saw this thread, does it actually work? is there a way to make it work?
dude dex based rogues are teh best :D
*sigh* so i guess if i really want ddo apps i have to switch to an android... hell no
oh okay
by the format do you mean wich little boxes to tick or what?
Good day today i was on my iphone looking for some good iphone apps but i only found this really outdated and limited information wiki app and this one that all it does is show the status of the...
soo many views but no more comments? comon i need some feedback lol! even if u just say cool! or wow this is horrible i need comments lol!
ah interesting ill make those changes later ty dude
oops thanks for pointing out the dragon mark my bad... lol
why should i drop cha? im a casting fvs? but i agree with the str ill boost that a bit ty for the reply
many rogues are 100% meele based and can not trap at all (unlikely yet possible) or their trapping skills are mediocre at most
everything alse you said is kinda valid in my opinion
sorry just...
its rather simple... i can make a guide for it but i think 2 new player guides is enough...
just send me a message and ill do my best to explain...
zaf :)
Good day!
okay so i have been planning im thinking for my second sorc tr i was going do go fvs because they are just plain boss.
this is my build for a tr2 halfling male fvs that mains in casting...
ok guys here is a link to download rons charecter planner.
thankyou for the kind respone fluffy yes i will link the planner right now ty
Jay this thread is 100% just to show new players how to get their charecter sheet on the forums, not how to do or make...
Hey all. I love doing threads like this; information that vets find very stupid but new players MAY find useful! (mostly i do it because noobish stuff is what i know well :D. I am by no means a...
later dude have a nice life... btw if u like i will keep ur account going? :3 lol
you said it went so fast do you remember roughly how fast or just rlly fast lol if not np
no i actually have not seen that! thankyou for the recomendation!
EDIT: wow i saw it pretty impressive... :OOOOOO
ok guys here is the improved zaf complete water savant acid secondary but i still didnt get enough points for balance... so i think this build is not complete yet
same thing again any...
First of all thanks for that long extremely informative response! yeah on my gimp fleshie sorc 20, 80% of my lightening spells (im air savant) the enemies sucsesfully save and i have about 38 cha :/...
thaught it would be under my nose :/ sorry for wasting ur time guyz i guess >:/
also thanks for showing an easyer way to do it hm.
also this is the way i was told to do it, it works. im...
ah ok i know what you are saying, yeah what i said still applies to that sorc lol if they go in they should b prepared to die XD i have that problem often with ragers=solution block XD
-saved for future post-
ok interesting wondering maby it would be a good idea to ditch balance and just hope you have some good heals on your group untill 18 when u get air savant... :) but then what would be a nother...
ok guys some of u experts probably find this pointless and stupid but when i joined the forums the first time (yestarday lol) this gave me a few problems so im posting this to inform people like my...
the point of pvp is there is no rules anyone can kill anyone... there is nothing stopping that sorc who is killing everyone he is the one who has spent all that time making his charecter soo...