Its like this mate, I can change my pants really fast.
But I cannot reassemble my car's engine anywhere near as fast.
Type: Posts; User: Igrovin; Keyword(s):
Its like this mate, I can change my pants really fast.
But I cannot reassemble my car's engine anywhere near as fast.
Well with 75% off it can be done now. And 75% off the three pack expansion too, which gives me ravenloft so I can get a sentient weapon for once.
When does that start? Cause the stuff still ain't for sale.
Services allowing for the alteration in which characters would be placed into servers are updated to a state in which is conductive to normal practices in which one would be situated in locational...
Ah and the archetype still has the mostly useless +3 to UMD enhancement.
Lol, I got a character so old, that I cannot do bringing the light with them because the NPC there wants me to get some bags from an NPC that doesn't exist anymore first
For me, I must be utterly unlucky because I've never found a Ki item.
As far as busting out a throwing weapon, the problem is that you're trying to not uncenter, cause all your things turn off....
Well with Giant Hold area, one of the items that you have to craft is dragon hide armor. Gianthold of Tor or whatever that one is name, you have three dragons you have to fight after you defeat the...
reminds me many years ago there was hellgate london. People where upset with the state of the game and it sunk flagship studios killing the game and the new one they had. There was a big communistic...
There is no build that can solo ALL content. Somethings absolutely require you to have multiple thinking people. Especially defense missions. But Artificer would get you closest, since you can handle...
If they are going with some sort of "battle pass" thing for reaper, I suspect it would be something where you get small bonus as a free player, but for a monthly fee you get big bonus and the small...
Cause Grandma Bookbinder needs to jump on the Synditcate's blades while you're futzing around trying to open the door while being stabbed to death by the super killer death trap that the bookbinders...
You dislike this update because it changes reaper
I dislike this update because they used the term "Battle Pass"
We are not the same.
Lore wise, there are three different kinds of changelings according to 3.5 lore. In 4e and 5e, I think they just dropped all the other types and just went with the becomer.
They have many...
Same, but Orien instead. Though I do have my other main character on a server that I played years ago. But my slots are all taken
I don't really play paladins. But I've played monks. I like not having to do combos/finishers like monk has because honestly the combo system is kinda dumb since its use the same ability three times...
Cause like.. their event is Vecna A forgotten realms deity controls the island they're on which is from Mystera to do the event in ebberon.. while the race is actually from Forgotten Realms.
Bard is probably the most passive support you can get. You'd want both Warsinger and Spellsinger. Warsinger lets you give everyone temp hp equal to your charisma bonus every 20-30 seconds or so. This...
Well single target kinda depends on a lot of factors. My bard with a rapier that had crit bonuses easily could take down monsters really face. My other melee focused characters like a sacred fist or...
For stuff that isn't class archetypes or races.
Tumbling - Allow Tumbling for all classes to tumble through monsters. Possibly when you achieve a certain level of tumbling ability. For...
+2 Cha
Medium sized
Bonus Past Life Feat: can take a racial past life feat as a bonus feat. If the race can be played without having racial reincarnated before then should have...
Like trying to get 20 dragon scales in Gianthold Tor... which will take 2.5 weeks to accomplish if it only drops one scale per loot.
I'd say something more customizable over all would be the best way to go beyond just stat fixes. Since pets can only get so powerful and weapon/armor just isn't enough to fix their inherent...
So I'm honestly wondering here, but isn't cyclonic blast suppose to make a reflex save first and making that allows you to avoid the damage and the knockdown? Cause my level 7 dex focus monk just...
Its a light/no armor focus enhancement tree on the defensive side of it, while the other two paths are about having the heaviest armor and shields. Hoping that we could get a Duelist archetype so we...