I switched my armor and Belt out...
Armor: Legendary Plate of the Winter Solstice w/Mythic 4 PRR/MRR and Reaper +5% AC
Belt: Lindal's Mighty Belt w/Reaper 10HPS
I also slotted the Eye of...
Type: Posts; User: Cashiry; Keyword(s):
I switched my armor and Belt out...
Armor: Legendary Plate of the Winter Solstice w/Mythic 4 PRR/MRR and Reaper +5% AC
Belt: Lindal's Mighty Belt w/Reaper 10HPS
I also slotted the Eye of...
I am well aware of this info. I have been playing the game since 2006.
Legendary R8
After running two complete circuits throughout all the quests with a party of 6, each rerolling on all the chests that were opened, even optional chests.. The only quest that dropped any items was: ...
I’m not sure who you have been raiding with on Sarlona. But I take my turn cleric in many pug THTH raids and turn all day long and typically have the highest kill count in either normal or hard...
what, tell that to my cleric she turns stuff in r10 legendary as long as they aren’t orange or red named. Stuns/cowers orange named. A turning cleric can be quite effective in any undead quest at...
I completely agree. This along with grazing hits being implemented at the same time when mobs couldn’t hit someone’s AC was the worst thing DDO has ever done.
Dwarf is a good option
you could also go PDK and switch fighter level out with a lesser +1. Gives you charisma hit and damage in PDK enhancements for 2aps. As well as Bastard Sword use for free....
Sarlona is not up..
None of the items are particularly meta defining for any build. You would expect if your gonna design a quest, there should be that one piece that people are gonna want for some type of build,...
+1 MRR is low IMHO, +2 MRR would be much better,
I didn't see much of anything wrong with the quest in general other than the rats all saying the same thing.
Also Favor is not listed or registering in the Adventure Compendium.
I agree don't like the false life on this, and I don't think alluring skills fits well with this as it is discarded ring.. Maybe something like this:
Devotion +149
Heal +21
Evil Absorption 22%...
Once obtaining reaper point 156 a Reaper Completionist Feat should be awarded by talking to Reaper Vendor #3:
+2 to all stats
+10 Positive/Negative Healing Amp
4% added character height
I was just about to post about this...
It isn't showing up in the Favor Feat list as well. I tried logging off and back on to fix it, this did not work.
all you need is four combat style feats. It does not look at what weapon your carrying.
casters aren’t going to take TWF or THF or some other combat feet. Not sure where you think casters are...
thanks, I thought it was. I guess I’m not sure why people are complaining about the new enhancements then. You really only need to take 2 AP’s from somewhere else and put them into the respective...
i just re read the opening post. Does not mention 25% per combat feet up to 100% that was proposed in preview 1. I am assuming that is now gone and they added enhancements to each tree that could...
no one should be losing HP’s from not having EDF. You still have the combat feets that now provide 25% each up to 100%. Your just getting access to each 25% sooner for each feet than having to wait...
To those who are complaining about T5 being to high for the Hit point enhancements. your not losing anything.
if you can’t allocate 2 AP’s in any given tree to get the additional HP’s. 32 total...
um, you only need to spend 30 AP’s(and be class lvl 5, excluding universal tree) to access T5 unless it is a Which is fairly easy to do. Spend an additional 2 and you have the competence bonus. You...
True, though if they are in unyielding sentinel and spent points in deific resillance and have deific warding as a feet. Your really only gaining 5% quality.
So fighters can drop deific warding...
Thanks, I just logged and saw this..
So Why does Paladin Sacred Defender not get a 25% bonus when Fighter Stalwart Defense does?[/INDENT]
I would like to see a 20% legendary bonus be added as the 7 piece set bonus of the winter set from feywild gear. Move set bonus 5, 6 and 7 down a tier. This is a tanking set.