I apologise for this mini rant, however...
Oh what's the point?!?!?!?
Type: Posts; User: Smelt32; Keyword(s):
I apologise for this mini rant, however...
Oh what's the point?!?!?!?
It baffles me that the single most complained about aspect of DDO is storage.... Storage and Lag..... The two most talked about complaints in DDO are storage and lag. And yet expansion pack after...
we need less tricky jumping puzzles or courses or what ever you want call it in this game not more. The lag problem just leads to huge frustration to those of us that aren't brilliant at that sort...
I'm sure know, but just in case you don't, the Law on your side imbue from the inquisitive tree scales on 200% ranged power.
hmm... not sure what is going on there. But now if you go to the store and use the code DUNGEONCRAWL she will get all content upto and including sharn by the looks of it. This will not include the...
Erm.... listed in the greater box is "Epic Heart of Blood". What's an epic heart of blood?
yep got in now. The patch server Hamster must have been on a tea break!
Seems that suddenly people are having issues loading the game. We get "an update error occurred" at 33% and a cycle of failed retries.
Yeah the update error is at 33% for me too.
I'm getting "an update error occurred". Tried it numerous times, i've even turned off my VPN, makes no difference.
The only time I get the lag you are describing is when I have Surfshark running. But sometimes the game runs fine with it on. However it is always ok when I turn it off. I think the problem maybe...
servers down again?
Horses and companions don't move with you. But xp stones, DD scrolls, slayer pots, various hearts of wood and buffing pots do.
I'm Staying where I am. I have been through two server merges with DDO and also two server moves. When the EU servers merged the second time I got my new name of Smelt-1. Then we had the second...
This, right here, is the problem with the free server swap. A certain section of the population see it as a server merge. The free transfers are going to happen because people on two servers...
Ok if Sev reckons the daily gold Rolls were costing SSG money, I have no problem with them stopping. After all we all want the game to continue and the only people that have access to the data is...
so the changes to rebalance the caster/melee imbalance.
They changed some classes HD, giving warlocks and rogues (amongst others) more base HPs. They also added stuff to the enhancement trees...
yep got one on every server. The only difference on HC is that it wasn't double XP like the rest, but that's always the case.
Don't know where you got that info from. I have just logged into all the servers from one account and got my weekly gold roll for each one. I can only think that you must have rolled on different...
Yeah, I think they have missed the point here. It doesn't matter how high value they consider the sub to be, it's the players that have to consider it high value. I think they probably dropped a...
Well, I really think it might just be you that is missing the point my friend. You are, on the one hand, asking for a merge of the live servers, and on the other hand asking for another live server...
1. the ability to sit in a chair! I've been standing up for going on 17 years now! Cheese and rice, enough is enough!
2. the ability to competently climb a ladder. I know many people under the...
Just a small observation..... The daily gold rolls were NEVER publicized to run for 12 months anywhere. And they haven't run for 12 months. They started in March 2022 and have ended 04/01/2023. ...
what is the "upgrade" number represent..... as in what constitutes an upgrade?
I stand corrected. However with all the down time and the little roll back you would think they might extend it a day or two lol