
Type: Posts; User: SmartForce; Keyword(s):

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  1. Thank you! Those responses are helping me get my...

    Thank you! Those responses are helping me get my bearings.

    Currently I'm playing a warlock and the plan was to go to cap and then decide whether to TR or do an ER, level to cap then TR. I'd like...
  2. Looking for Group/Partner for 1st lives and beyond

    Hello All,

    I'm looking for a partner or play group to play regularly and go through all the new content (Basically everything since RL and I didn't really do that much of RL that I feel like I...
  3. Is there a good content-by-level guide somewhere?

    Hello All,

    Back after a considerable hiatus and there's so much new content that it's a bit overwhelming. I'm looking for a good guide (or guides) for the following info:

    1.) Where to go by...
  4. Replies

    Is there any way I can gift someone? Can I like...

    Is there any way I can gift someone? Can I like call and pay for it to be gifted to someone's account?
  5. Replies

    Double Bonus points on the market?

    So if you open the launcher, you will see the advertisement for the double bonus points. If you CLICK on that advertisement from the launcher, it takes you to the website DDO Market. At the market,...
  6. Indeed. I was just taking over running raids for...

    Indeed. I was just taking over running raids for SL when the 2nd leader just decided to boot everyone, so I was involved. I've been playing MMOs going all the way back to Meridian, but I first played...
  7. This is all quite some years ago now, but as I...

    This is all quite some years ago now, but as I understand it the original GM (who I believe was Australian and was a pretty decent guy) did something that caused some drama, and the officers asked...
  8. I will do mate. I've spent the last couple days...

    I will do mate. I've spent the last couple days reading up and it seems that a lot of stuff got nerfed while I was away. I've got a load of questions. My prior experience was that a good group made...
  9. Yeah ... I really just need to find a good group,...

    Yeah ... I really just need to find a good group, and someone who is willing to bring me up to speed. So much of the UI is different and there are lots of windows and things which don't make a lot of...
  10. Returning Player, Looking for Mature Guild and Help

    Hey Folks,

    Played for quite a long time up until around the time the first expansion was released. I was with Storm Lords until they fell apart and without my regular group I kind of drifted...
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