
Type: Posts; User: Razzyx; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    New to DDO - PDK First Life Help

    Just started DDO recently and I am currently playing a FvS, I saw some videos and read about the PDK and I was really interested in it. I would be most appreciative if I could get some advice on a...
  2. Replies

    Thank you kindly for that, I did get the VIP

    Thank you kindly for that, I did get the VIP
  3. Replies

    Missing DDO Store Items Purchase

    I am just getting into DDO and I purchased some items for $$ in the shop, I created a character I didn't really care for and did not realize the items went to that first character only until after...
  4. I appreciate the help.

    I appreciate the help.
  5. ////////////////////////////

    I found a guide on here that was for inquisiter but I liked the idea of having heals and crowd control type spells then using a crossbow for damage.
  6. I purchased it separately already. I was planning...

    I purchased it separately already. I was planning on going caster/healer if possible.
  7. Looking for a good build for a first time player.

    This is my first DDO experience and Favored Soul looks to be the class that really grabs me, I am a bit lost regarding point distribution, I believe I want to go into Wisdom for Mass Frog but that is...
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