One month and no answer, support is not so supporting.
Type: Posts; User: Nenielle; Keyword(s):
One month and no answer, support is not so supporting.
I post a reply here because I have lost my supreme tome of all abilities +8 after a TR racial and epic.
I have sensed an in game ticket there is 3 weeks now and a ticket on SSG website...
facon il faut un debut Ã* tout, le Français est une langue compliqué si je puis dire. Mais on te comprend trés facilement Tolero, ne t'en fais pas. Si tu veux t'améliorer je peux te faire un post tout...
lol comment le mec il prend la mouche direct, déstresse tout va bien :)
Mec tes sur la partie francophone, alors stop l'anglais stp, on s'en bouffe deja assez sur nos server :p
Je continue Ã* redownload le "ddo ending splatch screen" ca prend un certain temps.
je nai qu'un seul PC ou je me connect. je rencontre ce probleme tout les soirs, le dernier en date est : vers 22H...
Merci de la réponse Tolero, j'éspére que ce sera bientot résolu.
Pouvez vous me dire pourquoi a chaque fois que je lance DDO je dois retelecharger ces foutu splatch screan ?
i have done Like 45 Ewk- 10 Edq2- 5 Edq1 and i havnt saw one Sirroco shard, and i need only this composent to craft it. If someone loot it recently tell me please. I am realy desperate cause i need...
I sign it 1000time.
Bonjour on a pas de transfert gratuit vers les autres serveurs ? Car j'aimerai envoyer quelques persos sur Thelanis, et ca m'embarasserai énormement de payer pour ca :S
that's hapened to me to 2hours Ago i was scared to lost ingrédients at the last upgrade. Hopefuly when i loged back epic handwarp was in my inventory. This problem wasnt hapened on the 27 october all...
I hope the évent Will during all the weekend, cause for non US player, the période Time is realy hard to resist of faling asleep on keyboard, and give us chance to be able to craf it on epic.I like...
You are lucky guys in 4 runs i looted 1large bones and 1large chain hope luck Will turn
Thanx for answering so fast i hope you're true, i cant wait more. I am disapointed cause they should have better to let us use our old chars for the new raid yesterday, it was the perfect...
Someone can answer to me when we Will be able to transfer our chars from old server???
We should have them since end of septembre, and still nothing.