How will ranged assassinate work with IPS? If it only hits one target that’s an immediate difference between Rogue and Ranger.
I agree Rogue assassinate should have a lower CD - 8 or even 6...
Type: Posts; User: Haphazarduk; Keyword(s):
How will ranged assassinate work with IPS? If it only hits one target that’s an immediate difference between Rogue and Ranger.
I agree Rogue assassinate should have a lower CD - 8 or even 6...
They have their issues (ask anyone that plays an Alch or an Arti) but they're AOE heals and have no range cap....
I wouldn’t write off negative admixtures in epics if you’re Poison focussed. Cause Crit is still your most damaging spell. It takes a bit of management with casters but it’s a strong option to keep...
Some heroic combinations work, mainly maximise in Archmage but other combinations work as well. Generally speaking it’s less useful than it was as there are now epic Metamagic options which all...
Coming back to Druid after a long, long break and interested in the current state. The Combat log is definitely not working well - it shows max potential levels I think rather than actual but even...
No alignments for Paladins in D&D anymore - get with the times :p
Ah boo - it got fixed. Ranged combat with no haste feats or spells was working at max (or even faster) speed. I had a fun evening yesterday playing some ranged builds. Not entirely sure on my shots...
I’m always getting dinged for talking about fun bugs! Ok, I can’t imagine it will last for long (might even be patched as we speak) so try a bit of ranged combat with the new archetypes. Great Xbow...
But most importantly has anyone else found the (presumably) unintended, but very fun, bug? Not listed in the patch notes so not sure whether it will be sorted in the hotfix...
I can see some real fun with this. Just looking at Enhancement tree options for Archetypes would allow some interesting builds. For example I can see a Jack of All Trades Rogue Archetype (remember...
Some good stuff here - more options/flavour around class always good. Just hoping this isn’t the beginning of the end for the whole enhancement system.
I need a few wiz lives on my alt. Back when I did them on my main I just did Paletrapper lives in heroic and it worked fine. What's quickest these days? Alt has usual stuff but only about 5 (weirdly...
I'm about to do a couple of Iconic lives for Cleric heroic past lives and whilst being a pure 20 cleric Morning Lord is straight forward I'm unlikely to do loads of Iconic lives and other Iconics...
Annoyingly the Upon Turning bonus is either bugged or written up incorrectly (and WAI) as it's only giving level not level x2 to USP.
Having said that I'm still on the fence about the usefulness...
Edit from original post as found on the wiki….
Is The DI one just plain better as it works 100% of the time versus 15% for fire and light for EA?
Is Magic Domain an option. No workable SLA but both evo dc and universal spell power means it works across all the big dps spells?
Surely you mean WITTTWH?
15s is a LTTW for a OTP.
Thanks - those spells do look good/fun - would be a shame to miss out trying them.
Ok, I think you've convinced me! Thank you - I shall do a pure casting cleric, probably with Fire Domain and try it all out!
Will leave some thoughts once I'm done.
What is Celestial Bombardment? Can’t find it anywhere in the wiki. Spell or ED ability?
I made the dubious decision to play a melee cleric with Barb levels. I mean it’s fine but I’m used to Arcane AOEs and FvS. Haven’t done any cleric lives on this toon, in fact at all, since domains...
Yes Cleric with Light and Fire (mainly). I guess that’s the point, the only thing I’d really be giving up are the two upper cores in DD whilst boosting MCL, crit and some SP. I figured I’d be mainly...
I need a couple of cleric lives and, having slogged through, a heroic life and going to do two iconics.
Rather than do a pure Cleric castling build I can’t see any reason not to go 16Cleric/4FvS...
Please add Shadow Dragon (with Negative SP) as a racial option for Dragonborn please.
As my wife would say “It’s a five minute job”.