
Type: Posts; User: Airgeadlam; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    And some slayers. Wheloon was OK, including the...

    And some slayers. Wheloon was OK, including the citizens. Stormhorns is not ok, and killing animals does nothing. As of now.
  2. Replies

    Play in r10 from lvl1. No PL gear. If you die,...

    Play in r10 from lvl1. No PL gear. If you die, delete. There, you have your hardcore right there.
  3. Replies

    Could it be server related? For me that would be...

    Could it be server related? For me that would be Thelanis, and playing from Norway. No major issues except some lag spikes every now and then, nothing new. The only day it gets somewhat worse is on...
  4. I restarted the computer, logged onto other...

    I restarted the computer, logged onto other characters and servers... Everything is fine, except that one character stuck on the TR limbo. And I'm not really willing to TR another toon before the...
  5. VIP status is active, and have no problems...

    VIP status is active, and have no problems creating new toons with the same race (in this case, aasimar) either.
  6. Nope. Get the same message: "Your character is...

    Nope. Get the same message: "Your character is still being saved".
  7. Hope there's a fix. At least is not the main...

    Hope there's a fix. At least is not the main toon...
  8. Botched TR. Has anyone had this happened to them?

    So, today I went to do a Heroic TR on one of my toons. Chose class, race, feats, skills, and appearance. Clicked on "Create" and got the text box with "Waiting". And it stood there for 10 minutes,...
  9. Replies

    Loving this. But to add some other ideas to the...

    Loving this. But to add some other ideas to the question, based on my experience:

    I played basically with friends. Our TR group comprises 4-5 people + ocassionally 1 guildie or PUG. We ran with xp...
  10. Server: Thelanis Time: Throughout the day, from...

    Server: Thelanis
    Time: Throughout the day, from 8:30am to 10pm (GMT+1).
    What was I doing?: Travelling through wilderness (just autorun on the horse)/Usual quest play/Sometimes while standing still...
  11. Replies

    Saw the mail first, thanks a lot! Sent a little...

    Saw the mail first, thanks a lot! Sent a little token to that toon as well, so check the mail!

    Thanks again!
  12. Replies

    Wanted: Dampened Shatterbow.

    Just checking in case someone has one of those somewhere in some bag or alt or another and wouldn't mind part ways with it. Suyoure a few shards would help.

    Send mail to my main: Lawnmoweird.
  13. **** it... Here's to hoping that someday it would...

    **** it... Here's to hoping that someday it would be avaliable in some anniversary box or another. Thanks though.
  14. Dampened Shatterbow. Any other way to get it?

    As the title states. Want to get the Shatterbow but even with a move silently/hide in the high 60 while doing heroic normal, the scorpions are likely to notice me. Is there any sort of trade-in as it...
  15. Replies

    I remember when I started as FTP years ago. ...

    I remember when I started as FTP years ago.

    Used to play 3.0 and 3.5 in pen & paper, so had something going there but the game was way different. The foundation was there, but the rest of the...
  16. Replies

    Not there yet, but my main is epic completionist,...

    Not there yet, but my main is epic completionist, almost heroic (missing alchemist) with 3 PLs on some classes, and starting with racials as well. The toon started as a Soul Survivor back in the day...
  17. Replies

    Came to check if someone else had the same...

    Came to check if someone else had the same problem. Took me a while to realize it was an issue because to be fair I ransacked A LOT of chests with several alts helping guildies farm stuff, and never...
  18. Replies

    This is often forgotten in the forums, IMO....

    This is often forgotten in the forums, IMO. People forget the time they were NOT a 36pt, H-Completionist, E-Completionist, fully geared builds with guild buffs always on, knowing all the tricks...
  19. Replies

    There's always the option of running the...

    There's always the option of running the anniversary event every now and then and get the kobold gem. I wanted to do this, but after having the sailor/pirate/whatever one, I don't know anymore...
  20. Replies

    For being in for the story and not the loot, you...

    For being in for the story and not the loot, you complained twice about not getting loot and didn't actually say what was boring about the quest. The story behind it? The dungeon itself? It is...
  21. Replies

    Cleric vs FvS: Am I missing something?

    Hi there.

    I'm a returning player to the game, after quite a long break. Before parting ways with DDO I had already several toons at cap, two of which were a cleric and a fvs.

    So I came back...
  22. As a returning player, I'd pay for heroic stones...

    As a returning player, I'd pay for heroic stones of experience. Not the whole Otto's box, just stones. Coming back to the game to find out that all the toons are almost useless is a pain, but...
  23. Oh! Then I got it totally wrong, sorry and thanks...

    Oh! Then I got it totally wrong, sorry and thanks for letting me know! Still a good chunk of xp, but it's certainly an improvement!
  24. Oh, yes, there are. But too expensive to get one...

    Oh, yes, there are. But too expensive to get one every single life. What I meant is that the character you build up to 20, dies to be reincarnated (other body, other identity) so gender change is...
  25. Well, some of them are "nice" at most, from my...

    Well, some of them are "nice" at most, from my point of view. Then considering the grind to get them, and the fact that you need to spend a feat slot to get the good stuff... no thanks. 6 million xp...
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