Is Cordovan going to be hopping onto servers and giving away rando loot this year? If so - when?
Type: Posts; User: gringofoot; Keyword(s):
Is Cordovan going to be hopping onto servers and giving away rando loot this year? If so - when?
Building characters takes time. Add things, shift them around so that they are available in a different system, but this big hork that makes players weaker while taking -5 from a...
Yep. Fully agree.
Your analysis is shockingly plausible. 11 of 10 marks. Fully agree.
Agree wholeheartedly.
If we're stuck with level gating (which I hope that we are not) then at least make T5 at L25. Let people use the bloody things.
That's the dream.
The PC application notice that you mentioned does not find out what player / customers want nor does it find out why they buy / don't buy / stay / leave.
For starters, it was a notice posted, not...
Good question. We don't know that SSG reaches out to present and past customers. We don't know.
As for suggestions, the only way to try is to genuinely try. Send emails to the addresses people...
(This post represents my thoughts, experiences and observations. I have been a VIP member since 2010. I have bought all the expansions. I play a lot. My primary toon is on Orien, named Kinchloe. ...
Well said. Thank you.
This is 1000% the best and most thorough response to the ED big hork. THANK YOU!!!
Things they did not change:
only 3 ED's vs 6 in heroic. given that we are losing 4 twists, this is not a good trade.
most powerful abilities saved for L30. level cap for now. and the alleged...
U51 will be released with this same ED revision. It will be the same thing we just saw.
We will be told
"We showed it to you 5 months ago, if you did not like it - you should have said...
That's what I think as well. It is most likely that new players log into DDO, look at the graphics and decide if the game is shiny and pretty enough to justify the learning curve.
I very much...
I mean, I see what you're saying. The ED sphere drag was horrid. No doubt it could disappear and few would miss it. However, this new system looks to make leveling from L20 to L30 go slower,...
re: "I am suddenly dreading Epic Destiny changes"
I was just on Lammania to see the supposedly-not-final ED pass and it's exactly what I feared.
How on earth is the new ED pass going to entice...
I read all the Mars and Venus books as a teen. Dejah Thoris! (and all the Doc Savage I could get my hands on, too)
big ups for the ERB.
I've never used sickles on any of my past lives.
Yet, every other new release seems to include a new sickle in the offering of new named items. So...are people using them? I don't recall...
I read everyone's comments.
Some people posted build links and gear strategies. Those are helpful to some of us and I always want ideas...or at the very least, I like to see how other players...
NO! NO SSG! find another way to make the bow pass, do the work, don't use this short-cut on the backs of the players that built this community, and devalue and destroy the items they worked for the...
I have heard rumors & speculation about the upcoming changes to Epic Destiny. I was told that the system will be similar to heroic enhancement trees where points are accrued as players level. I...
You did a great job...and a well needed one. I absolutely love it. high marks!
the only thing left is for someone to make an tool like this for inventory + we can manage all inventory...
I have some past lives to farm so that I can get back to triple completionist and I'm looking for ideas - either new or links to existing builds that you think are pretty good. I'm happy...
hi kent. you've helped me in the past and I am in need again.
I have some past lives to farm so that I can get back to triple completionist and I'm looking for ideas. please let me know of...