Besides you can get Gear straight outta Cabinets in the dojo there are NPCs that give you Straight up DDO Points 10,000 every 1 minute(s) aaaand an NPC that straight gives you 20,000,000 XP in one...
Type: Posts; User: thomascoolone64; Keyword(s):
Besides you can get Gear straight outta Cabinets in the dojo there are NPCs that give you Straight up DDO Points 10,000 every 1 minute(s) aaaand an NPC that straight gives you 20,000,000 XP in one...
How bout some Doublestrike and helplessness bonus? Thatd help just.add it to the Melee reaper tree! Itd be nice
Were struggling even in the survivability dept. too much into HP instead of DPS so we can survive imo, maybe
1) boosting Dodge bonuses
2) Less concealment penalty
3) Alittle more Melee...
they need to be inline with melee is my guess... So.... lmao
This right here is what i tried making a Post here about....
Cordo Stated in one of his livestreams recently that if players start to all pool onto one server ABUSING the free Transfer period... theyre going to shut off the free access!
Uhm .... YEA DO NOT MAKE A SERVER A MEGA SERVER THEY WILL TURN TRANSFERS BACK OFF, I.e See one of Cordos Recent Livestreams on friday!
Calling it now... its not gonna be up in time
Will this fix Sacred Fists Divine Dreams Wisdom Ability mod when its higher? Its currently using Strength even though its not the higher mod
Guys, Listen, It wasnt SSG's Fault, Listen I know who you can grab your torches and pitchforks for.... Strimtom...
Or is that just locked to S.F's Sacred flame imbue?
Dont forget about Aasimar Scourge's 3d6 temporary Light damage imbue,
Better yet could yea extend its duration abit? thanks!
please Increase this!!!
Were Was it that the Devs Put in an Update were Cleric, Favored Soul Divine Spells could hit Any Alignment type for Full damage? Was it a General Spell Change or was it an Enhancement/Ability thing...
What im talking about for further context is, Yall QA Devs that take care of Lamannia remember the Guides Guild Renown Grant? players would chose a select Amount to grab and it would inturn lag the...
I have a huge thought provoking praposal for you all, what if its not.the game engine creating the lag?
What if its some suspect players hiding in plain sight? You need to seriously investigate...
I may have even lost a Barovian Regailia Robe from one of the ravenloft chain quests
Evil Devious player detected, Signature is kinda sus.
Theyre also a Physical Raid drop as well. check the named list fornthe Dryad and demigod raid.
So im not the only one! I lost about 40k RXP!!!!
Account: Thomasniceone64
Server: Thelanis
Char Name: Titanreaper
Why did you take this away!! It was fine!!! It Made my Build Better!! I have to WASTE AP using Falconry And if your wanting Dark Apostate to be DPS then put some Melee Power and Melee Benefits to...
One Major Gripe! Why Did yall Remove the Wisdom to Damage?!?!?! AND Replace it With Weapon Implement? You laready Have that . Its in there TWICE!
What happened to it?? When i see the past life count on the character sheet, it said i had 0 past lives??
WERE IS IT?!??!! I am Eligible For the Feat but yet i cannot find it!!!