Hi there. It would be really cool if there could be more than one pair of handwraps that have a cosmetic effect. Was hoping the devs could chime in on if this is possible. Thanks :)
Type: Posts; User: JoeShmo; Keyword(s):
Hi there. It would be really cool if there could be more than one pair of handwraps that have a cosmetic effect. Was hoping the devs could chime in on if this is possible. Thanks :)
Thank you, sir, will do!
Hi Steel. Could you also comment on the hit registration for normal attacks in general? Something seems off, as the distance seems way off - you have to be right on top of an enemy for them to be...
Hey folks. I was playing with someone today who had a 12 wizard / 6 monk / 2 fighter using handwraps and Grandmaster of Flowers, and was absolutely destroying. Anybody have any idea what build this...
Thank you! Fingers crossed they make a return. I agree, they should stay in the store permanently!
Hi all! Recently returned to the game, and not surprisingly, there have been a LOT of changes! That being said, I was wondering if +20 hearts were still a thing since I don't see any in the DDO...
Hello everyone! Just wanted to see what people recommended for some cool looking eyes/helmet, armor, and cloak cosmetics. Been away for a while, but everyone knows how important the fashion game is...
Has there been any discussion/input from the devs about buffing this item? For an item that takes up both your weapon and gloves slot, this needs to be substantially stronger to make up for the loss...
Thank you! I actually don't have any racial past lives, so would you recommend Human with that being the case? Also, I see Cetus takes a few Heavy Armor feats; what feats could be replaced in your...
Hi! I wouldn't say this would be a first-life fighter since I will be TRing my 36 pt character who has a supreme +6 tome on him, just never played fighters so not sure about feat/enhancement order. ...
Hi! Would you mind giving a feat/enhancement leveling order that you recommend? Pretty new to fighters, but really want to give this build a try! I know I don't have all the past lives, extra AP,...
Hi all. I'm really interested in making an Inquisitive build since I've been hearing a lot of good things about them. I came across this video, which the poster mentioned is an 18 fighter/2...
Hi all. I'm really interested in making an Inquisitive build since I've been hearing a lot of good things about them. I came across this video, which the poster mentioned is an 18 fighter/2...
Hi all. Just wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing this with their Fleetfoot Necklace. It says it should grant you the feat "Wind Through the Trees", but I don't see that feat listed...
Hi everyone! So I just came back to the game after being gone for about 2 years, and I'm wondering if there is a default server that is really populated. Thelanis seems to be a dead zone no matter...
Hey everyone! Just wanted to say hello (hopefully the forums are still active). Had to take a break from the game for a little over a year, unfortunately, but I am looking to get back into it!
Hey all! Hopefully the forums are still active, but I'm an old time player from Arise (Handsomebob) and I took a break from the game for a little over a year but I'm looking to get back into it! Hope...
Time to find a new class boys. They're really trying to grind us into the dirt. Here's a reply from Steelstar on a monk thread:
"We're likely to pull down the Melee Power in the 5th and 6th Core...
And also, ironically, that character in question who is in those screenshots got banned after the most recent ban wave....hmm.
Key word is "if" my friend ;) My personal opinion is that this difference in damage really only applies to top-tier monks with all the bells and whistles. Any average monks (speaking from experience...
I was thinking the exact same thing about reordering of APs. I would love to see what you're thinking now for the new AP split, on here or in-game.
Between the Duality nerfs and the absolute butchering of the melee power from the cores in the Henshin tree, I...
If you only have enough for either Sense Weakness or Symmetric Strikes, which one offers more dps overall? I'm sure the math is complicated, but I'm wondering of perhaps one is better overall if you...
Yeah I understand that bug, but Symb is running Combat Expertise since you took that in LD, so PA wouldn't apply, right?
I would love to know why my damage dice is 16.8 [1d6+6] instead of 20ish? I have all the things that give extra W that were listed a post above yours so not sure what I'm missing here. I don't have...