
Type: Posts; User: Yvonne_Blacksword; Keyword(s):

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  1. pain lossa pain

    I followed a suggestion in a thread during the 32bit kerfuffle and managed to switch over and play with 64bit option. Then the game started being grumpy once the fix was up switched back to 32bit...
  2. I don't think you are alone...
  3. Replies

    I always play in first person view and zoom out...

    I always play in first person view and zoom out as necessary (until the scroll wheel stops working) so I wouldn't see it?
    Maybe if it was on my hireling... and I could se it?
    I think auto-detecting...
  4. Replies

    Quest mysteries

    Anyone ever wonder why there are so many target-able doors in the ceiling of part 3 of The
    Seal of Shan-To-Kor?

    Or why there is a detectable trap when you jump clockwise of the highest accessible...
  5. Replies

    missing amenities within the last 20 minutes

    I lost all stored amenities on my guild airships... not happy. this happened while actively playing on khyber.
    checked same on argonnessen and thelanis. pets and mounts gone, guild banks emptied......
  6. Replies

    I also have one login with 2 accounts.

    It was once an option to use the same email address for 2 accounts by using (Turbine) support.
    I have invested a lot of $$$ on both accounts and can play them both at once. When purchasing...
  7. hc transfers a problem for me since night of 14th

    transferred 3 alts from 2 accounts on the 13th, wet off without a hitch. immediately logged them on and into the guild.

    tried to transfer from other accounts last night. no go. they are still...
  8. Replies

    So you want to be an Artificer..."

    Update 57: Grip of the Hidden Hand Release Notes

    (Battle Engineer Tier 3) 1d6 Electric damage, electric spellpower (fills in missing t3)
    The spell Elemental Weapons now grants +1...
  9. Replies


    I transferred all accounts remnants to Orien on Nov30. everything went swimmingly. who broke it?!! (more than 12 alts collecting dice rolls from several accounts)
  10. ???? I already had most... Because...

    I already had most... Because Christmas,anniversary etc. The deals were pretty good till i checked and then already had them. I added saltmarsh to one account.
  11. Just be glad that the worlds are available...

    Just be glad that the worlds are available outside of normal EST working hours... Like 9AM-4PM EST.... Or 10:45AM to 3:15PM (with 11:30AM to 1:30PM off for lunch) and a 20min to 2hr login wait, and...
  12. Replies

    'ceptin for you multiply that by 3 because...

    'ceptin for you multiply that by 3 because repeater so 3(2d6) so -6 to -38 per shot(firing of the repeater) what took 2 repeater volleys to kill now takes 3. My efficiency has been cut by 1/3?...
  13. Replies

    I am sorry if this is already been fired out there but artificer trigger

    elemental weapons spells aren't providing elemental damage? are they just lumping all damage together and that is why I can't see it or is it really no acid/fire/electric/cold why why why? I would...
  14. Replies

    This was my second season trying HCL. Best I...

    This was my second season trying HCL. Best I could do was lvl20 with less than 500favor.
    I could run solo on elite with my build up to level7, hard to level 12 and normaled the rest. Spent a lot of...
  15. Replies


    versioning is like all the things that go into making an update to a product. reversioning would be doing it over because the first attempt at versioning had errors that caused the need for...
  16. I have had this error when purchasing AS as well....

    I have had this error when purchasing AS as well.
    Yesterday it happened when I received 15guild renown while sacking the desert.
    The alert often persists (the bag icon, upper left) for hours or...
  17. I think it is a store design problem

    I wanted to sign up for 1 year on a couple of accounts.
    When I was in the page where you authorize the payment, it forced you to keep the card on file for recurring payments.

    |box|Save this card...
  18. what to do when the servers are down....

    I have had a long history with DDO. Not a founder, but I bought a verrrrry expensive laptop to play it (as I didn't know where I would be from week to week as a traveling trainer for the navy).
  19. %p=giraffe

    I just want to say waaaaaaaaah!
  20. Replies


    tried to empty mail box, clicked to retrieve money from an out bid auction, it greyed out and nothing,
    repeated with other AH mails, same thing
    tried to open the bank, nothing. clicked on the...
  21. oooh! thankyou!

    I thought they got an upgrade and I missed a note!
    I hate getting bombarded by things I cant see. And it was hitting soooo hard! through energy resist30 on a level 7 absorption was...
  22. Replies


    Isle of dread was one of the first pnp modules I experienced....ah, the 80's

    This is the first module DDO has done that I have had any experience in. To me, it was terrifying and I thought my evil...
  23. Replies

    Hi, my name is Yvonne and I am an alt-oholic.

    12 accounts, play whichever on whatever server I feel like at log on. All have at least 1 expansion.... This one has all has all.

    I say it is a game and it should be fun, play how you like, mix it...
  24. Punished for my hubris.. Just a little

    I decided to mess around on my main account on <insert random server> on its highest level character. I think I just wanted to give that account some play time as its been a while...

    So Ilogged on...
  25. Responsible bug parents!

    The bugs would no longer be able to have endless litters of unwanted baby bugs and the current bugs would eventually die out.
    Remember to spay or neuter your bugs.

    Wait.. Is my family the only...
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