
Type: Posts; User: badassbilly; Keyword(s):

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  1. please help

    I really want to play on my days off and cannot access any where in solo
  2. after taking level 19 cannot enter anything as solo quest or wilderness anywhere

    just like the title says i cannot enter any wilderness or quest at all. i leveled last night and now cannot enter any quest or outdoor UNLESS i am in a party.
  3. Favored Soul same question about whirling steel

    sorry I meant to put this here, please help
    i was on hiatus for a while also and just can't figure out why I cannot get whirling steel, it says I need "weapon focus: longsword" but it is not listed...
  4. Can you explain how someone would convert to a...

    Can you explain how someone would convert to a free account without losing their main. I am VIP and most of my toons I don't care about. what is the process like to convert to "free to play", which...
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