Calling them items threw me for a sec i'll admit.
They'll be less likely to work in epics as you get higher, but they won't become useless, unless you're running reaper difficulties & you can get...
Type: Posts; User: FuzzyDuck81; Keyword(s):
Calling them items threw me for a sec i'll admit.
They'll be less likely to work in epics as you get higher, but they won't become useless, unless you're running reaper difficulties & you can get...
They say resistance bonus but I'm fairly sure behind the scenes it'll be typed as a material bonus to enable it to stack.
Pretty sure a big part of it not being a thing is because of the way thunderforged crafting is implemented as a barter box, so a destroy & replace system rather than slotted augments on a base item...
Found with expansions, occasional store release & as a potential prize in the dice rolls, you can get up to +2 to be allocated in the racial tree & +1 to be allocated in a universal tree. It's a...
It's a solid choice, but I'm gonna find it very hard to have my completionist as anything other than a stick-using tabaxi trailblazer.. pure SPEEEEEEEED!
Once you get nicely along the racial TR train it just becomes more outright fun too since only the core racial enhancements are level gated, so that power boost just gets compounded giving some...
Yep, for each non-iconic race the 1st racial reincarnation is +1 to a single specific skill, the 2nd is +1 to a specific stat & the 3rd is +1 racial AP. The regular heroic & epic past lives make your...
Not just trapping skills but also really lean into the whole technomagic thing, so it does constructs, some melee/ranged benefits, some attack spells (force & electricity). Some of those could be...
I suspect behind the scenes they're treated the same as the throwable alchemical potions that you can make via the trapmaking station & got included accidentally when those were recently adjusted to...
It's certainly not less effective - if anything they've had a decent buff with the new imbue system & the addition of a competence bonus to HPs in a number of tier 5 enhancements.
Probably because it comes from an enhancement like the pale master skeleton, rather than as a class feature like the druid/artificer pets.
To be fair, the swashbuckling barbarian for that handaxe approach doesn't have to rage to get most of the benefits, my own is a 13bard/5barb/2fighter & literally never uses rage but is a very solid...
They're sometimes offered as an extra add-on to certain store purchases, mainly expansions.
One of the great things about DDO is that pretty much anything can be made viable if not necessarily reaper-optimal, but I'm at work at the moment so can't help much. You'd probably want to go for a...
Just to add, you can still get access to arcane archer via the racial route if you're an elf or half elf, though it'll cost you a pretty significant pile of racial APs & have slower progression.
Yep, it's a solid performer.
Imbue with shadow is treated as a buff like any other, so it has a duration & will need to be recast alongside any others you use when entering quests, after resting...
Also, if you're using shields, there's a work-around to allow you to use metal shields & orbs with feydark illusionist's shadow imbue as it changes the material type to force - you'll need to remove...
You're missing the 5th element, no captain planet transformation for you.
the ones gained from chests can be passed before being looted, yeah
Don't overlook the stout oak walking stick, it rocks 2[2d6] base dice instead of a 2[1d6] that other sticks have & any stick user will have swords to plowshares, giving it a 17-20/x3 with that & if...
Looks about right, so 1st or 2nd life you can use it straight at level 1, 3rd & after you'll need to be a bit into level 8, 1st rank should be sufficient, so long as you're using a 50% XP potion in...
The destiny system has changed since it was first posted so you'll need to take that into account but the overall framework is the same & it's still a very solid performer. My own version is a...
I'm pretty sure this is true, as they're not typed as illusions & that'd be in line with P&P too - back in the day those cloud spells used to be commonly used in boss beatdowns eg. VoD for that extra...
Depends a lot on your taste & what kind of look you want on your character. One of mine uses the vampire outfit, reaper season 1 cloak, top hat, van richten's cane & the bouquet of flowers & looks...
Unless it's been amended fairly recently, the scion of the shadowfell vampirism is the old style vampirism that actually is on every attack, or at least has a much shorter internal cooldown.