
Type: Posts; User: Kielbasa; Keyword(s):

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  1. The augments should have been the elemental blast...

    The augments should have been the elemental blast plus the aoe proc on a 20. It wouldn't be top tier single target damage but it would add more AoE for builds that need it during leveling; all...
  2. Replies

    I still crash when in IoD sometimes just hanging...

    I still crash when in IoD sometimes just hanging out in the town by the docks waiting for the raid to start unless I turn off the game sounds in the options menu. I have tried overwriting openal32...
  3. Replies

    Raptors still crash the game

    Thanks for trying but using blue tooth ear buds and trying to play IoD with game sounds on is still a no go. Just stepped into the curse and the captive crustacean walked to the optional fight with...
  4. Agree with others the most interesting part of...

    Agree with others the most interesting part of the tree is the demonic transformation turning you into a essentially a razorclaw shifter but with lots of fire and bigger claws. The first core should...
  5. Replies

    The biggest problem this archetype faces right...

    The biggest problem this archetype faces right now is the lack of action point flexibility. You feel punished if you grab the crit range enhancement from deepwood stalker since you will also need...
  6. Replies

    Magical Traps. Please let us throw these as if...

    Magical Traps. Please let us throw these as if they were alchemist spells or grenades. Either that or their trigger radius needs to be much larger and the setup time needs to be much shorter.
  7. Replies

    The only slow I need immunity for is the sticky...

    The only slow I need immunity for is the sticky traps in sharn. If it makes me immune to that would be worth for a melee otherwise drink a haste pot.
  8. Replies

    Now would be a great time to clean up the...

    Now would be a great time to clean up the wierdness of split critical modifiers in Tempest and Deepwood Stalker. 21 ap spent in both doesn't seem bad at first glance but it is a ton of ap when you...
  9. Raptors!!! Whatever work was done on them for...


    Whatever work was done on them for IoD made changes to their roar/scream attack and unless they are CCed the moment they use that ability my game locks up and crashes straight to...
  10. Yes please. They also need to spend some time...

    Yes please. They also need to spend some time engineering new item effects rather than recycling stuff from 2015. It has to be hard to make new interesting loot when they have such a limited tool...
  11. Having run a bow build for much of the last 6...

    Having run a bow build for much of the last 6 months I'll never level again with a bow in heroics. What they did to the bow animation/ranged feats sub level 20~21 make using one a terrible user...
  12. Replies

    So I recently bought IoD and have this problem...

    So I recently bought IoD and have this problem with Raptors too. So far what I have narrowed it down to is whenever the raptors make a roar attack and I am close enough to see, hear and be the...
  13. Replies

    Bug Fixes!! Just got IoD and the wilderness...

    Bug Fixes!! Just got IoD and the wilderness would crash my game with ambient sounds turned on. The expansion has been out for months why is that bug still in the game?

    An in game jukebox...
  14. Store Sales, skill augments, missed oppurtunity

    I'm sure I've seen it before but thought I'd mention it again due to the great sale going on. Many many diamond of skill augments are missing from the in game store. You want people to spend money...
  15. Replies

    Same problem. Just got Isle of Dread and so far...

    Same problem. Just got Isle of Dread and so far in the first hour of running through the wilderness and prequest captive of the hidden hand I have crashed 3 times...this does not inspire me to want...
  16. Replies

    DDO Market not accepting new credit card

    I always use a new prepaid credit card to purchase stuff on the ddo market this is the first time my payment option has been unable to make a purchase through the market. Anyone else run into this...
  17. Replies

    Even Jerry was so underwhelmed by this weeks sale...

    Even Jerry was so underwhelmed by this weeks sale he didn't even post them to the forums. Why are there no interesting new things being posted to the ddo market?? Its like they don't even want my...
  18. Replies

    As others have suggested older content should...

    As others have suggested older content should have a way to purchase a clean version of a named item from said expansion or pack. Much of the framework is already in game for upgrading to epic or...
  19. Thread: VIP Benefits

    by Kielbasa

    Just you wait an additional free silver roll is...

    Just you wait an additional free silver roll is on its way. Pay more get less.
  20. I sure hope we get some videos and screenshots in...

    I sure hope we get some videos and screenshots in the achievement section.
  21. Replies

    How annoying was that Mark of Death? ...

    How annoying was that Mark of Death? Continuously being recalled to the center is no fun. When are you going to properly live up to your name and main a stick build?
  22. Replies

    Cross server lfms but realistically double bonus...

    Cross server lfms but realistically double bonus xp while using experience pots and soloing on the regular servers for the duration of hardcore since they will be ghost towns. Having recently come...
  23. Replies

    Saw there were sales looked at them did not see...

    Saw there were sales looked at them did not see Feywild for a steep enough discount to entice me into upgrading my version. Was ready to upgrade that and grab Jurassic Park but maybe I'll wait till...
  24. Replies

    My thought has always been that the attack was...

    My thought has always been that the attack was meant to hit mainhand, offhand, and doublestrike but for some reason not all the hits were hooked up to the animation correctly for handwraps because...
  25. Did you bug report Drifting Lotus?? Hopefully...

    Did you bug report Drifting Lotus?? Hopefully this thread gets enough attention that they get around to normalizing the skill so hand wrap users can enjoy the ki based epic strike as well.
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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