Thank's im doing this to help the community :) there is also free music 24/7 to all, I will not be reposting this thread unless I have to.
Type: Posts; User: crazzyclown24777; Keyword(s):
Thank's im doing this to help the community :) there is also free music 24/7 to all, I will not be reposting this thread unless I have to.
they do not let you post links to other servers and guild sites or self-promote LEGENDS of DDO does. This Post was just added to Useful Link's on the main DDO Community Discord +more to Come
LEGENDS of DDO: A Community for all Guilds and Servers to Advertise!
An Epicenter for DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) is my Goal!
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send mail to artytron or type in chat /joinchannel babyscreams if im online ill inv
there is a feat to get heavy armor docent
my goal is to do every quest in the game in less than a year