Out sick tonight.
Type: Posts; User: zman67; Keyword(s):
Out sick tonight.
Out tonight 1/2 , am sick. See you next week
Sorry going to miss tonight as my desktop crashed still trying to fix it. Hope to see you guys next week.
Sorry going to miss tonight as my desktop crashed still trying to fix it. Hope to see you guys next week.
I will not be on tonight. Internet us out hopefully fixed by tomorrow. If you are in the middle of a chain please let me know do I csn catch up.
Hopefully cya next week
Starting from level one again, There are currently three of us so 3 open spaces. Anyone(at any level of experience playing DDO is welcome) welcome to join, play any class you would like. We run...
As of now I am working late nigh/ early mornings shift so my sleep period is current game time. This should be for the month of December, so hopefully Shartyrr will be back with you soon. Have fun...
Not going to make it for today Monday 12/2.
Good luck.
We are TRing again, see Yeehaw's post under Wayfinder for more details
Tarenn is trying to decide between a bard or a pally tank.
Sorry we are full at the moment. We will see once we hit 30 and have to TR what the future holds.
We are planning to go to 30 before TRing so you have some time. You will just have to catch up in xp.
Since it was only tow members we decided to call it and hope everyone is on next week. Hung around for a bit to see if the new member would show up but no joy. So...
The Zergless will make another attempt on Tuesday July 3rd, 2018 at 9:30 ET. Same rules as above but we probably will only have 6 open spots.
Hope to see Jiahnn tonight.
We welcomed Pharn to the group but now our bard has to leave so we still have an opening. Running Reaper 2 Tuesday nights 9:30 to midnight ET. Cleric, Artificer, Rogue, Druid and Palemaster.
Well see you Tuesday, although Illiamala may be a little late.
You are more than welcome to join, however:
1) You may become tired of me since I am in two other static groups with you, Disciples Of Rain and Wayfinder Wednesdays, if you can stomach me in...
A static group that meets Tuesdays 9:30 to midnight ET has a sudden opening. This groups was a full six man party but one of our members decided to leave the group so we have an opening. Play...
Static group meets once a week on Thursdays from 7 to 10 pm ET. We are about to take level 18. We are a group mix of Bladeforged and Warforged so ask that you play one of these clases. Play...
"The cargo hold does not have a bar, bank, or auction house (they expired - or they are not showing)"
The cargo hold is where most guild keep pre U22 buffs, these buffs do expire and need to be...
Sorry Tarenn missed last night, May 7, 2018. What did you run so I can catch up?
It was fun Meta. Good luck on whatever future endeavors you take on. Smart of you to announce it on the forums and not in game, as you know we would probably run a quest , let you run into the room...
With no Arcaniss, the group felt it was better if we did not run any quests and max out our xp or get too far ahead of Arcaniss. So we called it for the week. Hope to...
DDO has an untapped resource which states that the first character created on any server and runt to 100 favor receivers a 25 DDO point bonus so you get 125 ddo points for each character x 8 servers...