Super awesome thanks, this is really helpful. Quick follow up questions when/if you have time:
-do casters have a similar mechanic in terms of what they can target and fire spells at inside of...
Type: Posts; User: jakeelala; Keyword(s):
Super awesome thanks, this is really helpful. Quick follow up questions when/if you have time:
-do casters have a similar mechanic in terms of what they can target and fire spells at inside of...
this just happened to me today (though it sought my D: drive which is a crappy old SSD i dont want games on). had to suck it up and install there. bummer no one ever offered any feedback on this from...
Can someone from the dev team offer a little more information on how the firing arc tolerance works to better understand this change and the mechanic in general? Thank you
Gameplay Changes:...
this is very bad pls fix
all good man! You did say fairly certain I took you on your word!
glad to have this sorted, thanks everyone
he didn't say he saw it, he said he was fairly certain
appreciate the input here folks, but doesn't seem like this is actual confirmation yet
I have a guildie who ransacked the fire node chest 4x and rerolled with shards 3x per pull and has never seen this item drop from the Fire Node end chest.
Can a dev confirm this thing is in...
there is one place this thing will shine in current form as that's as a place for a pure ranger (knife thrower or bow) to lean into more SA dice and such. its a no brainer there, but not sure who...
i dunno i looked it up in SRD, this thing is just supposed to give assassinate (OR PARALYZE as a toggle), sneak attack, and rogue skills.
It's basically deepwood but flavor wise in a cave instead...
This is trying to do way too many things at once (bad druid, bad rogue, bad deepwood/ranger, bad alchemist). This is like 1st life utility leveling toon for Heroic hard runs.
Some suggestions:
These are not working as stated:
Holy Retribution Shot:
"Executes a Powerful Holy Cleave against nearby targets" - This only hits one target, frequently misses, and often does nothing
Hey Devs,
No thematic sense/reason why this skill is limited to melee. DDO Wiki says ranged or melee, was is changed sometime in the past? In game it just says melee.
Would be nice to have...
So what if any changes are being made to Poison Darts core skill, and T4 Deadly Exploits and T4 Sting of the Ninja, which are both poison damage oriented? Shouldn't these be dice? I feel like...
You're doing this:
Removing 35% from 135%
100/135= 74%
26% less damage
Not this:
Removing 35% from 100%
65/100 = 35% reduction
the obvious thing to do here is to really reduce the benefits of reaper points past cosmetic/bragging rights
it's like the devs all went to the desert and ate mushrooms together and came back nice. this is awesome
also this whole thing seems legit and like a good idea, I might come back to try it. Not having to obsess over min maxing gear as much would make me way more able to play with limited time to grind
what will max Dex be after this? wondering if it's another disproportionate thrower nerf (lower max Dex extra missiles)
for the love of game design remove the bs respec cost and just let people do it at will it's SOOOO dumb
leave ED system in place as is
remove all ability score options in EDs and replace with new interesting abilities
Remove karma BS
level gate existing EDs (but give people all the...
This ability should be a multi select where you choose some level of stacking etherealness OR Displacement. This will even out the gear curve for newer folks/alts as well as leave a decent perk for...
Didn't you just largely nerf these two bolded things for ranged? Seems sort of weird to call them out
Blinding speed has always worked just like haste. With enough other animation speed boosts or access to consistent haste it might not feel useful, but it certainly does not literally do nothing. It...
yup, this is a super frustrating bit of programming that has always needed addressing.
I think it's a little bit silly that Melees now have:
-best damage mitigation (IN COMBAT)
-Best CC (Dire,...