Congrats to the Pay it Forward Team on your win!
Thank you again to all who participated.
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Congrats to the Pay it Forward Team on your win!
Thank you again to all who participated.
For tomorrow- all registered teams should be in the Stormreach Marketplace. Griglok will send a tell to invite you to a discord to make coordination easier.
Good luck to all participants and see...
Just wanted to pop in and remind everyone that there are only 2 days left to sign up for this event.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!
I agree with this. You need high spell power and high crit chance and high crit damage. R10 will get a lot less forgiving on casters pretty soon, so you'll want to make sure you can hit top numbers...
Universal Spell Power (~390)
Implement Bonus (54)
Wellspring of Power (150)
Scion of Plane of Water (30)
Reaper's Arcana 1-5 (36)
Draconic (25)
Exalted Angel (20)
Primal Avatar (35)
I have ALL of the crafting storage available... and was also frustrated by this.
However, I purchased 2 of the largest augment bags. 1 for rare filigrees and 1 for normal ones. Some folks only...
Thanks to a few generous donations, OP updated to include additional prizes. I have a few more on the way, but don't want to announce until I have them in-hand.
I agree! :)
Thanks for pointing it out.
Dimension Door - and any ability that grants you access to Dimension Door - is banned. Since the contest is 4v4, there's room in each party for a monitor.
Yes, I am asking for it to be cheaper. In my first response I already stated I think it's way too expensive due to the random element.
It is how math works. Each roll = 100 threads. 2,500 threads...
I disagree with you that the cost would NEED to account for every possible random combination. Some folks get lucky and get the right item right out of the gate. Making it cost 2,500 threads to pick...
There should definitely be a way to just purchase the gem you want. Make it cost 1,000 threads, or heck... even 2,500 threads. Some type of barrier is fine... but it won't be very long until this...
Capture the Flag
The Casual Obsession is hosting a Capture the Flag contest on the Khyber server! Great news- everyone is able to compete, even if you don't normally play on the Khyber server! To...
I mean, a few of us used Turn Undead (and other abilities) in there from day 1 and all of the wraiths still upgraded. It's neat if it's different now though.
Maybe it's the not-upgrading thing Arcanaverse mentioned?
I'm thinking a clonk of some sort. Won't be R10 endgame... but should be fun!
Droam update should be interesting! Hopefully we get an update to the crafting system there.
Legendary Vampric Stonedust Wraps?
Well, thanks for putting a pin in it! Off to the next mystery. :P
It wasn't that they weren't able to comment. Sev specifically wouldn't comment. Again- it very well could be that the thing they wouldn't mention is the turn mechanic you think you've discovered.
Would be nice if there were a way to shut down the elevators so cogs don't spawn.
If you watch the footage from PAX East, Sev was not willing to comment. The "secret" we all thought/think was in THTH could be the turn mechanic you're mentioning but, as someone who plays Cleric...
Finally caught up on sleep after PAX and wanted to thank all of the dev team for a great event. It was nice to have something for DDO at PAX again!
The meetup was one of the highlights of the week...
Ah, my mistake if I misread. Yes, my experience was the same as yours on Total Hit Dice with Eternal Faith and Silver Flame. The fact they DO stack on the Turning Check is what makes it all odd.
I think you're missing me. Can you advise what your Charisma was?
Behind the scenes... whenever you make a Turn Undead check the game makes a d20 roll and adds your Charisma Modifier to it. The...
Here's how I would answer the question "what's effective"? The ability to destroy non-warded mobs in R10 quests/raids and the ability to cower warded mobs in R10 quests/raids for a length of time...