Just reloaded the game. No luck with controlling the DDO Store.
Type: Posts; User: M113k7262; Keyword(s):
Just reloaded the game. No luck with controlling the DDO Store.
Win 11/1080ti
I have been fighting with the store because it doesn't want to work correctly.
When I use it in game, it just brings up a tiny window and when I try to open it further it closes down the game.
I am a level 10 Warforged Wizard (first life). Currently I am running quests from 1+ and am on level 2's. My name is Alueph. I am willing to be a healer if that helps. I'm set up fairly well but may...
Name: Alueph
Class: Wizard
Eace: Warforged
Built as a solo character but can do WF healing in party.
level 7.2
Can/will heal
Build is based on positive/negative spells
I'm a level 7 Warforged wizard. Name is Hermetique. I'm in CST and play when I can. I am VIP. Contact me either here or in game.
Everything is weird. Quests seem harder than they should be. A levewl 3 elite quest plays like a level 6 reaper. I have severe difficulty changing weapon sets during battle. When did this stuff...
I give it my info and it returns with a message about nCaptcha. Can anyone help me?
this is the story of my...
I'm looking for a static group on any server but my toons are mainly level 7. I want to try to play an alchemist, not sure what race. If you need someone like this, let me know.
You guys still looking for players? I can make a basic level 7 Alchemist. Let me know!
Also, what 'spells' are best for general use?
all you need is dex/int/wis and good gear. the rest is easy. just watch you screen for indications about traps.
I have just about all the races and classes open atm. What is a good starter class/race combo.
What is my fighting style? anything, really. I just want to have fun.
Thanks for your input!
I'm try to put together a first life alchemist but not sure what the best race is. I also don't know what part they play in a party/raid. Would appreciate any input!
Thanks... and it was the latter.
This game is or isn't in maintenance?
Is there a way to make a weak soul gem worth anything? I'm wearing a 'Trap the Soul' docent and the weak gems keep dropping. I went from 7-8 and now have about 5 of them.
What is the most useful/most powerful magic element? I'm trying to decide which one (Fire, Cold, etc.) I should switch my alchemist to. Poison doen't seem to work that well.
Take Care, be...
I've even tried reinstalling the game but nothing works. Can anyone help?
What classes and levels are you looking for? I have a very basic lvl 7 wf wizard looking for a good home. Let me know... thx!
Hello... I am returning after being gone for about a year. I can make a new character on any server (VIP). I'm looking for an active guild that helps people (i.e. guild runs, raids, etc.). I'm not...
What is your current guild website? The one mentioned isn't working.
I finally got back on and now have access again to the forums, game and my account. Was I the only one this happened to?