Looking for a home...
Very casual nowdays...
Good for a few hundred K guild renown...
Will accept GR for end rewards if nothing stellar is there...
End of pitch.
Pick me up. You won't regret...
Type: Posts; User: MuleAxe; Keyword(s):
Looking for a home...
Very casual nowdays...
Good for a few hundred K guild renown...
Will accept GR for end rewards if nothing stellar is there...
End of pitch.
Pick me up. You won't regret...
Thank you for continuing on with the list for Thelanis, it is much appreciated. Although MuleAxe has moved to another server, I still consider Thelanis to be his home.
With that said, please add...
If anyone wants to take up this list, feel free. No longer on this server, I'm playing once a week at best, and usually for less than an hour. Completely lost interest.
Too much effort... Why do something that causes mental fatigue, when complacency and lethargy are more attractive alternatives...
Updated and added
updated and added
Uh... OK
Both have been added and/or updated
Updated Mglaxix to:
Triple Completionist
Epic Completionist
Triple Epic Completionist
Added to both lists, Congrats!
Hello Argo -
Looking for a high level guild with lots of players who do epic TR's, Raids, etc. I'm planning on staying on the server for at least a couple months (maybe longer), and would love to...
Lists have been revised to include only active achievements, characters that have fallen out of form due to new classes will no longer be listed.
Updated stats are below
Thelanis Stats as of...
Yup . . . Making some revisions
Added Botchup to Completionist and Epic Completionist lists, per message received in-game.
Think I got em all, gratz to all mentioned
updated, gratz
added, updated, gratz
added and updated, gratz
Exactlywhat I was saying through this entire endeavor. But, as it is, I'm a bit bored of the game for the time being, so I'm using it as an excuse to take a couple week break :cool: