Hi all,
I love permadeath but the only PD guild I've ever tried was Mortal Voyage, Argonnessen. Great group. I'm curious if there are any other active permadeath guilds I can join? I tried the...
Type: Posts; User: Skycaptain; Keyword(s):
Hi all,
I love permadeath but the only PD guild I've ever tried was Mortal Voyage, Argonnessen. Great group. I'm curious if there are any other active permadeath guilds I can join? I tried the...
Keep in mind that even if you had max haggle (selling to brokers for ~50% base price), you would still only get around 3,000±200, depending on the weapon type. I'm trying to give everyone a fair,...
That's more than you would get from a broker unless you had a ridiculous haggle (in which case you don't care about 3000 plat anyway). If you trust me, you can mail the weapons directly to Rastest...
RIP clickies. We may never understand or know why you were killed, but you will always be in our hearts.
Here's to you, clickies. 2006-201?
Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but the sp boost is nowhere near as good as the hp boost. 200 @ level 20 could easily be a 50% increase for a poorly-geared FvS. Whereas 400 sp at level 20 is, at...
All it would take for me to run a healing cleric in reaper is no longer being passed up in favor of, say, warlocks. I love healing clerics but they are looked down upon by others and so I play...
I know I'm late to the thread but awesome job. One quick point: wouldn't 8 points in Kensai net you slightly more hp? You could grab conditioning for +15 hp at the cost of 8 AP, slightly better than...
Actually, Olladra is completely broken, and has been for some time. You may only heal yourself and grant yourself stat bonuses with the ability.
I can confirm that Occult Slayer SR does NOT stack with a regular SR item, it overwrites it. I tested this too.
Forgive me if my noobishness prevents me seeing something obvious, but wouldn't all level up points in charisma make for a slightly more effective paladin? Strength gives you damage and attack, sure,...
Thanks to some great help from Meidehn of Argonessen, I've learned about a few problems with barbarian spell resistance.
The setup: Me, a poorly-geared level 20 HOrc barbarian with Con 32/45 raged...
This really deserves to be fixed. As do the too-high action point costs for basically everything in the tree, come to think of it.
The +10 positive spellpower from Altruism rank 3 is not appearing in the positive spellpower breakdown on my character sheet. Anyone else noticed this bug?
Neither of those are really what I'm looking for here, but I do appreciate your links, advice, and time. Looks like the art of healing is now lost and it's time for me to do some research and testing...
Before you ask, yes, I know healbots "suck" and aren't supported in the current meta at high levels. But I believe that they're SUPER fun and I'm rolling a new character to help my friend (who...
It seems to have started in the last ~2 hours. The bug appears to be specifically associated with failing to clean up the prior connection (IE if I normally play Ghallanda and experience the bug upon...
Or maybe they don't know because they are all asleep? You should go outside instead of agonizing about not being able to play for two hours. DDO will still be here when you return, downtime and all.
I'll take one platinum sink for the anniversary please. This was important enough to make a forum account after 9 years.