Y'all are just mad you didn't figure this out sooner. This build has been around for years now, minus the arcane warrior and warlock level. Using VKF on a melee has been a good option for a while,...
Type: Posts; User: Kaladynn; Keyword(s):
Y'all are just mad you didn't figure this out sooner. This build has been around for years now, minus the arcane warrior and warlock level. Using VKF on a melee has been a good option for a while,...
I ran this again for fun and to record a video. Managed to shave 15 minutes off my previous time in the process. Enjoy :)
Had so much fun with this that I ended up running it again to record a video. Enjoy :)
I will forever have PTSD from the SPIKES OF DOOM. That and trying to disable the traps as skeletons clapped my cheeks.:p
Congrats guys! :)
Ez Enkels Brew
Still a boring raid even on r4... Maybe r5-6 would be more fun?
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Except our side was both smooth and fast without being slow. :)
That specific fighter has 312 PRR, 36% dodge in light armor, and fury rage heal/second wind heal for 5-6k hp outside reaper and 300+ inside r10, respectively. Those can be used in quick succession...
That video shows an 18 second beatdown, not 16; here's a melee doing double that damage.
Doing this on a melee character required me to tailor everything about my build specifically towards running this raid. I ended up changing my entire gear set, my ED setup, and even some feats just...
Ayeeeee nice job guys!
Unfortunately, I don't have any videos. I did these to have fun more than anything else and the idea of trying to record the runs and upload them didn't sound fun.
This one is a bit of an older raid, but it was a ton of fun and a challenge to do as a melee character. It took a lot of precision, micromanagement, and quick thinking. Each failed attempt was...
I have all of them :)
After soloing Normal KT with relative ease, I was motivated to try a Hard solo. It took a lot of planning and experimenting, but I got it! Big thanks to my guildies Teth and Symbiont for letting me...
It wasn't too bad, just need patience. And I've had enough of stick builds with doing tabaxi lives haha
I'm playing a melee build, 18 fighter/1 favored soul/1 warlock.
Recently I decided to run some solo raids for fun. As a disclaimer, the goal wasn't to run things on the highest difficulty, but rather to see how far I could push my current build. These are some of...