Thanks for the suggestions and laughs :)
Type: Posts; User: JBS; Keyword(s):
Thanks for the suggestions and laughs :)
I am an admitted altaholic and keeping my characters in crafted gear keeps me a poor gamer :cool:
What is your favorite loot run to generate plat lately?
I would really like to see Power Shards be Bound to Account, not Character. I have them on characters I'm not going to TR and I need them on my characters that I TR frequently.
Did anyone read into my original post that I don't do grind? I also don't do pugs, too many issues as a female gamer and again most of the time they race off leaving tons of aggro for someone else...
Rant On
I'd like to know who's "brilliant" idea it was to change the XP mechanics for legendary questing?
Up until level 30 you can be over level (up to 4 levels iirc) and still get xp.
I lied, Thelanis is up (see me doing a happy dance )
Argo is up but still no love for Thelanis :(
Thank you all for the information - that really helped.
I'm coming back from year plus hiatus. I'm having a problem adding an augment gem to a weapon - both are lvl 4 - I think I use to click on the augment and then drag the weapon to it in order to slot...
Thank you all for the suggestions.
Thank you kindly.
I have it now in an excel spread sheet - easily accessible
Hi all,
Some time ago I had a printout of how much xp was needed to level - how many ranks etc, and it progressed to multiple reincarnations. Unfortunately, that was one move and two computers...
Apologizing in advance for the 2nd Necro of this thread.
I just returned to DDO after a multi year hiatus and have encountered the gamma locked issued. Some mentioned editing the UI preferences...
I'm not sure what you mean by n-box? The log in screen gives you the option for multiple game instances. I use to have to run the second instance from a separate hd -but not not for a couple of...
Every couple of weeks (or more often) the game asks if I want to install a high resolution version/files. Except that I already have that. It doesn't matter - no matter what I choose I will have to...
Yes, with disolvers in my ingredients bag I am again getting plat for grinding up weapons. But I'm still leaving my bug report - it still needs to get fixed. Thanks for the suggestion of taking it...
Yes all disolvers are in the crafting bank - I'll check in a few minutes when I log in
I noticed that when de-constructing weapons and armor you're not getting any plat anymore. This is not the first time it stopped giving plat, but they fixed it a while ago. Hopefully they can flip...
I am looking for glass phials - used in crafting constitution and false life items. Please message or reply here if you have any available.
My condolences to you. I know where you are at, my mom passed away in October after a long battle with Parkenson's Disease and various other complications. Even knowing it was coming and that she is...
Three days in a row I have tried to complete a quest and again the quest bugs out and you can't complete.
twice I ran the memory lapse on epic normal - got the end boss with negative 100,000 hit...
I always keep my dissolvers in the ingredient bags on my character. I noticed that it only happens when I'm using the deconstructer on the ship. I didn't encounter any problems when I used the...
I have seen an issue where the item deconstruction window stops accepting items. I will have to close the window and re-open it and it will only allow me to deconstruct maybe one to two items...
I noticed that I am unable to set a buyout price on the Astral Shard AH - this is happening on any character on any server - the plat AH works fine.
When I try to select the buyout the window...