Nice gear list.
A couple of pieces I would change:
Swap Legendary Battleworn Medal for the Bottled Rainstorm for +5 Quality Charisma. Besided the 6pc Autumn set bonus the Bottled Rainstorm...
Type: Posts; User: Leatherneck; Keyword(s):
Nice gear list.
A couple of pieces I would change:
Swap Legendary Battleworn Medal for the Bottled Rainstorm for +5 Quality Charisma. Besided the 6pc Autumn set bonus the Bottled Rainstorm...
PM me what you want for them.
I could also use shield fragments 5 and 7 if you have them.
WTB Legendary Raid Timers. PM me here with how many you have to trade and what you want in return.
I thought that was just for Feywild?
Never mind
Nothing to see here, move along.
Meh, my biggest complaint is that my permadeath group will never know Durk's secret now.
Deja' Vous
Haha, love it.
That Halfling that popped out of the chest in the end was a surprise!
This was a fun run, thanks for the Lead Poppy. FYI, you can swim in the water better with starter rags.
Ouch, thanks for the quick update though.
I think this post helped the most.
Yeah, fingers crossed.
Nicely written Goodthings. Thanks for the advice filled guide.
Yes, quiver all the way. Tomes can be purchased/traded.
30% striding at level 1, yes please.
I concur
We can only hope.
Grant's superior false life, not greater.
You need 3 hirelings...I believe for the Midnight Seal it is FVS/Cleric/Bard.
Summon the FVS in the beginning then you have to sacrifice him in the traps.
Go back to the beginning Summon the...
Made you look.
I have a couple of Stink Pelt Scrolls to give you still....
You are missing the point. No one owes you an explanation. Again though, reasons have been posted by others as to why it is/may be done. I personally have never denied a request for a ship invite...
Well to be blunt, and not rude, they do not owe anyone a reason for their policies other than their members. Just make a note of the guild for yourself and move on. I think several reasons have...
A better question to you would be why does it matter? If it is their policy that is their right to enforce it amongst their members.