Thank you for the explanation about different DRs.
A friend of mine was playing with my main TR char and transferred my char to Orien. On my old server, I had some of Sharn...
Type: Posts; User: Binn05; Keyword(s):
Thank you for the explanation about different DRs.
A friend of mine was playing with my main TR char and transferred my char to Orien. On my old server, I had some of Sharn...
Thank you for replying. Those are weapons that I can craft and if I remember correctly, and the game hadn't changed soo much, are helpful.
This I didn't understand. What do you mean...
Can anyone give me pointers on how to optimize this build for u57 content?
I'm an old player coming back to the game after around five years without playing the game, and I'm searching for easy...
Your advice is appreciated, especially on the weapon part. Thank you.
I usually try to level fast, but end up smelling the roses along the way, lol.
Thank you. That is nice to now. I'll wait for the soon(TM) to happen. :P
Hey, that's really nice. Where can I read more about it?
I'm returning to the game from a long hiatus.
I think I stopped playing around U32. Then a friend was playing around 2020 or 2021. He transferred my main from Ghallanda to Orion to play with a new...
Thank you very much. ;)
I bought the Shadowfell basic edition a long time ago with TPs.
If I buy it the Collector's Edition now, at DDOMarket, will I be able to upgrade my acount?
And will I get the better benefits?
Nice series, Ron.
Keep it coming :D
Trying the third week closed beta and can't connect.
Sent the log file as asked.
Come on guys, 3 closed beta weeks of the same problem?
Thnak you again :D
Dodge values:
My S&B Fighter using Tower Shield, with Dodge and Mobility: 4%
My TWF Ranger, with Dodge and Mobility: 4%
Same Ranger, with Dodge, Mobility and Spring Attack: 6%
So, yeah,...
Amazing! :D
Thanks for helping. With this list of bows I have some idea what to look for.
And what about other slots, any nice equipment for rangers?
As I created my first ranger, I'd like some hints about which gear to aim for him.
He's a Dwarf Tempest using 2 Dwarven axes, level 12, banking level 13.
I'd like advices about GS...
That what I was thinking about TWFing. Thanks for confirming it.
Thanks again.
+1 :D
Had forgot about senak attacks and helplessness. Thnak you for explain it. :D
Uhm... This is news to me. Need to check it.
That's because of fighter/barbarian's DPS?
TWFing with one Con-damage weapon and a dps-weapon could offset this DPS?
Can Str-damage weapons work as an AC boost?
Since they reduce mobs Str's to-hit bonus?
Or is it too irrelevant?
Besides Beholders, which monsters a Str-damage weapon helps to fight? (as a...
This is a Risia Winter Games crafted item. Now you can get it Icy Burst or Superior Glaciation, but not both.
You can craft this with Cannith Crafting, not so hard to get there or buy the...
As title says, how useful stat damage weapons are?
If some expert can point out the pros and cons about them or how to obtain the most from them would be nice.
Same problem. Still waiting.
Do I need to make another ticket? Or just sit and wait?