For stacking you need to look at the bonus "type". Some are enhancement, others are deflection or morale or luck. The rule is that only the highest value of a type is used, so if a spell gives +2...
Type: Posts; User: nobodynobody1426; Keyword(s):
For stacking you need to look at the bonus "type". Some are enhancement, others are deflection or morale or luck. The rule is that only the highest value of a type is used, so if a spell gives +2...
Since I primarily play divine casters, here is the buff list I tend to hand out on others or myself.
Party Buffs
Bless (+5 Morale bonus to attack bonus) *Long Duration*
Magic Circle Against Evil...
Ehh the nerf to caster damage is kinda weird, DPS casters aren't that effective in high reaper to begin with and end up using CC and insta kill spells instead. Finger of Death / Wail of Banshee /...
Super thanks, posts like this buy a ton of good will from the community. Those without a technical background think "wow this sounds hard", while those of us with a technical background think "holy...
Yeah that dude is hilariously wrong, just think of them as an unpaid agent.
Lag is really server dependent these days, if there is a ton of stuff happening on a set of systems then there is going...
Orien is horribly borked right now, the unintended server merge really pushed the system past whatever resources SSG assigned to it. Been playing on this server for well over 10 years and other then...
We had this discussion with Lyn/Lich during the U48.4 preview, Sunbeam / Sunburst were deliberately held back because of MCL, which mattered during that era. WoB destroys sunbeam in damage as it...
What... there is like one or two enhancements that assist those building around light / robes, otherwise the tree is a very strong DPS focused tree. Most fighters can easily run T5 Kensei with some...
People are going to give you tons of bad advice based on feelings.
Sun domain is trash for a DPS caster, it could be better if Sunbeam / Sunburst were not preemptively nerfed with U48.4. The...
Stormsinger has the speed boost inside it's tree, running it right now. He's putting points into FDI to get GCS, but honestly I found very few points to put there after I did Spell Singer T5 + Storm...
Just move HP entirely, everyone gets 10 hits total, every attack deals 1 point of damage.
Boom problem solved, now beer me.
This is the exact opposite of what they are going for, and the entire purpose of EDF.
EDF was created to give melee's a boost in survivability as ranged and casters get the massive defensive...
I wouldn't put any competence bonus's inside any enhancement tree's, it's asinine and makes winners and losers almost randomly. Put them directly inside the combat style feats, only the highest one...
Yes, this update needs to be extremely math heavy since so many numbers are being shifted around.
It gets worse as you scale into epics and realize some of the things they are nerfing scale based on epic / legendary levels.
I'm most familiar with KoTC Paladin, I only ran EK a few times to cap....
They do get more dice through tree's and so forth, and those dice are D12's currently. This is why I made a whole post about building a standardized system that expanded two ways, it would allow for...
I think this has to do with setting up for future level cap increases. Currently they have to do a different thing for each type of elemental on-hit dice effect and it's only going to get more...
My perspective is based entirely on past examples of mixing multiple non-related things together and the inevitable explosion it creates.
If you guys really want to fix / standardize on-hit procs...
There is a super simple and super easy solution to give the HP back to all melee's without EDF. Remember EDF does not grant 25% competence bonus to HP, it grants 5% + 5% for each combat style feat...
That would be the correct answer, it's simple and doesn't screw around with the rest of the game balance. Of course it also means it likely won't be done.
Embodiment of Law is just 10 bane damage...
This is disingenuous at best, before it was 7D6 light and possibly 12D6 * 2xMP law, after is 6D6 light period. All that other stuff requires reducing DPS significantly and taking poor choices. ...
So lots of nerfs being tossed in while trying to gaslight the population that its a "buff".
It's somewhere around 2~3%, and it's per hit, every time an enemy swings or shoots at you there is a chance it'll proc. One enemy swinging at you, it's not gonna proc, 10 enemies shooting arrows at...
Something included in this list
Some of those should look familiar cause most all enhancement tree's are 3.5e PRC's.
Yes the combination of Alignment spell nerf and core nerf means we just drop Master of Alignment entirely and take Master of Light in it's place. Alignment spells are now only useful in mid heroics...