I had a pure sacred fist 1st lifer for which i used TWF longswords @lvl 20... (x2 Oathblades)
Leveling was done with handwraps.
Later it was lesser reinced to 18/1/1 (sacred...
Type: Posts; User: Xandez; Keyword(s):
I had a pure sacred fist 1st lifer for which i used TWF longswords @lvl 20... (x2 Oathblades)
Leveling was done with handwraps.
Later it was lesser reinced to 18/1/1 (sacred...
I wish... around 85% atm i think.. :P
After Feydark, it seems the PDK is no longer needed to get CHA to hit/dmg but if youre gonna use swasbuckling you will need light weapons anyway, so it's still a good option. I would also highly...
Thx for the update. I have the exact split u are playing and i like it a lot.
Been thinking about THF freezer or the rogue int version without fighter levels, a barbarian split also seems worth...
Havent really missed evasion tbh and if you really really want it, either go for it or use shadowdancer after 20.
Trapping... well, its really up to you again, heh. But maybe more viable if you want...
nice, as always :D
Could you post a rough breakdown of the (positive) spell power please?
Also, how about Scion of the Feywild?
I think it has not changed much. Maybe the items which can be used.
Its a very versatile build tbh. You can use many number of splits, even pure bard if you like to do so. Main think to make it...
It does not.
Both will work on their own way, its personal preference really which do you like the most. How about THF? It just got boosted...
Imo, nope. Some say it does, so... pick your poison i guess,...
Divine presence is broken atm.... hopefully will be fixed soon.
Fixed in u45.1
How about a silvanus PDK build 1fighter/19paladin?
T5 into KoTC etc...
Levels sumthing like:
Character name: Silvani 28pt 1st lifer
Classes: 19 Paladin, 10 Epic, 1 Fighter
Race: Purple...
Its because the dodge caps to 25%?
I removed cloak and swashbuckling, had 9% dodge... click swashbuckling on (with buckler and skirmisher) --> 19% dodge, then put on cloak --> 25% dodge, so seems...
Well, im sure theres more ppl like me playing who very rarely group in this game.
In fact.. i cant actually remember the last time i was in a group of more than 2 people (where the other was very...
Running a Bladeforged 1st lifer no tomes build (1pal/1wiz/18fig) for shiz and giggles inspired also by StrimToms Vanguard post/video.
Currently @23 working with my Destinies and im feeling decent...
Same damage dice in epic and heroic? Please add some power to da smash :D
Also greater heroism in epic ?
Well, at least some of "The cosplayers" (like i said earlier, give options, dont nerf) did NOT want the original selector which gives insightful STR to be removed. Just to give an option to use the...
Wow, something we agree upon ;)
I think the original Divine Might selector: You gain an Insight bonus to Strength equal to your Charisma Modifier.
should be retained.
Yeah but then you will loose the swashbuckling benefits to light weapons, so imo you should stick to those.
Passive: While Swashbuckling, the following weapons receive Competence bonuses to their...
Goggles: Legendary Colectives Sight (iirc i have +cha and +insightful con.. CHA based build)
Helm: Legendary Umber Brim
Necklace: Legendary Family Recruit Sigil
Trinket: Cannith...
Why, you can already use INT to hit/dmg for your barbarian IF you wish to do so. Thats the point. Why not let ppl use the most paladin of stats, charisma, as their main and push the STR for 2nd (or...
Very solid suggestions!
Why not also give the paladins a chance to use their CHA modifier to hit and dmg with eg. their favored weapons?
You could also do a INT based swashie or freezechanter, harper helps (would deffo take this myself, espec if goint the warchanter route) but is not absolutely necessary...
Played a 2...
THIS would be soooo nice!
Looks nice.
Have you tried WC T5 vs swash T5 which you think is "better" ?
How did you get yours so high? Have a breakdown for that by any chance? :D