so maybe we can get a dev to comment on why this is being released instead of epic destinies for warlock, alchemist and artificer? its closing in on 2 years since Sev first mentioned the ED changes...
Type: Posts; User: Amastris; Keyword(s):
so maybe we can get a dev to comment on why this is being released instead of epic destinies for warlock, alchemist and artificer? its closing in on 2 years since Sev first mentioned the ED changes...
I keep getting an error that says Upload failed Bad Request: Request is missing a character name while trying to upload my inventory to the trove website through the app
Inventory and bank are...
Thanks man for answering that!
it was brought up in my static Reaper group this week about Saga XP. Logically it seems that since legendary XP is earned from CR 30 quests that Saga xp that would be awarded from sagas that are CR...
Yeah its almost as bad as Autumn Feywild set not having Fort on it. at least I can craft fort onto something. having armor, helm...
So the raid is on backorder? are there supply chain issues? does this have anything to do with lockdowns in China? do you have enough TP (i dont mean turbine points) to finish the project? Have you...
Can we just get a Gauntlet to hold all the bags then we can just snap and have the item we want.
Firstly, the ability to create your own sets and add pieces to certain sets is what Feywild gear should have been. I realize this crafting system isnt meant to replace the CC system but the offerings...
Ran all 4 on legendary last night / today
The Curse and the Captive Crustacean -
Spawn times are quick for trash mobs and this can prove to be a pain if soloing.
trash mob sorcs spam grease....
its not just PM with this issue Abyss pact warlocks run into the same exact thing.
its a coding issue no one wants to fix. Ive brought up the issues of the red musk infected numerous times. the...
so i wonder if the abyss aura for abyss pact warlocks is gonna get fixed correctly this time around???????
the animation still drops when going from instance to instance. I logged my tankenstein...
people dissing the OP because of their own misconceptions of what a first life character is verses a new to the game character is hilarious. why do people go all mega troll on stupid stuff like this?...
Original White Dragonplate Armor displaying CORRECTLY
Yeah so the newly released aura is broke. it turns itself off when you got from instance to instances. say lordsmarch bank to market for example. only way to get it back its to turn off the channel...
Hmm. you're not Strimtom either. Maybe He's too busy streaming so he can earn cash for a green screen?? (j/k) or maybe he got stuck in the portal from Saltmarsh to Eberron? no matter.
Voodu has a...
Hmmm. You're not strimtom. Not matter. I glanced over the build you posted. even though I have a set build i am running right now (Pre-Tabaxi) I'm always looking for ways to have more fun as a...
you have any updates for this build post stat squish / ED Revamp? I would dig an update video for this!
I play 3 different types of warlock so i would be interested to see how / if it compares to...
just downloaded latest version of this.
Arcane Tempest is missing from level 6 warlock spell list.
Mass Frog is still a feat even though it was moved to PA tree.
Nice to have a vendor added to sell the higher end non raid augments but its hard to keep track of which dude has which augment in which place and how much it costs. Solution, create a spreadsheet on...
The whole tread is about sound effects. Ever since the early nineties sfx has been short for sound effects.
I've submitted to Cordovan to have the title changed to say "sound effects" instead so...
yeah thats the stupid sound. and the range on that thing is stupid nuts. now i have to figure out how to turn that aspect of the sound off! its dumb that it has to be designed to trigger in an area...
I hear it on different toons. sometimes bankers, sometimes my main (the one in the picture) or my reaper/raider, and even my tankenstein warlock build. And they all have diff gear and cosmetics.
6:53 AM heard it in the market as i passed a level 7 rogue on the bridge to the bank. no other players around at all. 6:56 on the bridge again no one on the bridge or below it. picture is of the...
ok but that doesnt explain why i hear it in the cogs when im soloing as a warlock w/o fatesinger. or in house K bank where no one but me is in it or in Cannith crafting hall in House C that is empty...