This sums it up pretty well
Type: Posts; User: Stales; Keyword(s):
This sums it up pretty well
My Epic Spell Power: Negative 15% Crit Damage
and Scion of Shadowfell 25% Crit Damage
Should total 40% neg crit damage, it shows as 0
Getting enough mats for a t2 LGS item is fairly simple.
Pretty much this.
A couple quick item slots for scrolls or wands that don't unequip your main hand would be nice.
Meld looks gutted.
It worked a couple months ago. Do you have your familiar summoned?
I would say a pet summoner build, with augment summoning lines and just sitting back and healing your pet and trying to make it do what you want it to.
Or try an only scroll using build.
Also Gland, spells not hitting, getting stutter spikes in quest solo, low level stuff, Also stutter freezing in market.
Actually, yes they would. Many companies will compensate customers for slight inconveniences. If your willing to stick up for yourself and not be a sucker.
Wonder which category you would fall...
I play, like most people, certain times every day, the game is down all night. This is the time that i play, therefor i am paying for a service that i cannot use. Any customer service oriented...
Lifesealed,. Like maybe Cloak of Winter.
I went into needle once solo, set the difficulty too high. I left the instance and couldn't reset it. Eventually it said adventure reset, but the quest panel still had the option to reset. I went in...
I still cannot fathom how this is not a priority. They obviously have no intention of gaining new players, because new players wont put up with poor performance because its a basic need of online...
Might as well just sell the items on DDO store if they will allow people to just farm infinitely.
They would probably reduce drop rates by 90%.
I submit a compromise,
Daily ransack, 3x a day chest and xp in 24 hrs.
I always just click the header that says Dungeon, and it sorts it alphabetically.
Like what? Finishing the content for the $130 expansion that they already released?
And if doesn't take an hour to reply to a forum post. They are literally on here already every day, they just...
*Looks at watch*
Yup day 3, title holding strong
DDO Team,
*Fingers in ears* "La la la la la la la la ."
I do find it rather insulting that they would charge such a premium for an expansion, that is incomplete I might add, while failing to address the most basic fundamental to any online gaming. Stable...
I'm not sure how the anti-barders are missing this point.
Also fascinate has no place outside of soloing, using it as a comparison CC is a joke.
I'll settle for group song and making fascinate an aura.
Can't say I agree 100%. Run ahead and try to fascinate then have a fireball blow everything up just as you finish singing or a far superior mass hold or a dire charge and everything is dead. On my...
As a person that plays a bard , I approve this message.
"I wish we had a bard in our group" , said nobody.