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  1. First Life Build Yeah, Both Divine Wrath and Celestial Bombardment...

    Yeah, Both Divine Wrath and Celestial Bombardment are clutch. I'll get this updated, I still need to add epic destinies too. I personally dropped Mass Heal and True Resurrection for them as Implosion...
  2. First Life Build Feedback on Blood of Vol and Skills

    Hey, Bookmarked

    I'm really glad you found my post helpful.

    Yeah, for a favored weapon you are either going for flavor, a good level 6 ability, or a good weapon type.
    I went with Blood of...
  3. Replies

    Combat Expertise

    Yeah, I'm expecting to get 20% bonus to AC.

    Combat Expertise: Description
    Defensive Combat Stance: While using Combat Expertise mode, you suffer -5 to your attack rolls but gain +10% feat bonus...
  4. Replies

    U51 Bugs Draconic Incarnation, Unyielding Sentinel, Primal Avatar

    This is from my level 30 toon (not that it should matter)

    Draconic Incarnation:
    -'Elemental Blood' with 'Draconic Bloodline: Shadow' doesn't proc temporary hit points with 'Lesser Death Aura' and...
  5. First Life Build Thanks Riff! This is the first I've heard...

    Thanks Riff!

    This is the first I've heard of this. I'll go test it out and report back. As you can tell from the two week response time I haven't had too much free time but that comes and goes...
  6. First Life Build Human Favored Soul - FAQ

    Q&A based on feedback
  7. First Life Build Human Favored Soul - The Loot

    This loot list has been updated since Update 50. The stat squish actually improved this item setup which I'm pretty excited about. This loot is simple, only requires 4 quest packs (albeit two are...
  8. First Life Build Human Favored Soul - Epic Destinies

    Put Epic Destiny stuff here. You aren't going to be shocked.
  9. First Life Build Human Favored Soul - The Build

    Build 2: 20 Favored Soul Human
    <New Image>

    Rating: R3 Party Ready
    As stated above. I leveled 1-20 on R3 with 4 brand new players. Because of this I don't know how well this character can solo. I...
  10. First Life Build Human Favored Soul Healer, Tank, DPS, and best friend

    Hey All,

    I’m looking to put out some resources for new players. Most of this post will be targeted to F2P Players as it is inclusive to all other account types. My goal is to provide strong build...
  11. Replies

    First Life Build crazycaren

    Hopefully I didn't reply too late to help you out. I'm glad this thread caught your eye.
    I do Take Harper personally but I wrote this post as F2P friendly as possible so I only talk about it in...
  12. Replies

    DDO Quick Builds

    Hey All,

    I recently got some of my real life friends into DDO and we've been having a blast.
    I created these quick builds to show off some of each classes key features. These builds were designed...
  13. Replies

    Hey, I'm guessing because this is a 5 year old...


    I'm guessing because this is a 5 year old post this data is no longer needed but I've been testing the stats of the Skeletal Knight in this post.
    I Just TRed and am level 7 so I'll be...
  14. Replies

    Hey, I'm guessing because this is a 4 year...


    I'm guessing because this is a 4 year old post this data is no longer needed but I've been testing the stats of the Skeletal Knight in this post.
    I Just TRed and am level 7 so I'll be...
  15. Replies

    Skeletal Knight Stats

    Hey All,

    I have been trying to figure out what the base stats (Str,Dex,Con,Int,Wis,Cha) are for the Wizard's Skeletal Knight.
    I mostly want to know this to pull the STR levers in Legendary...
  16. Replies

    You also proc spellsword dice on cleaves. I ran a...

    You also proc spellsword dice on cleaves. I ran a cleave and great cleave build (combining with EK cleaves) and it was surprisingly good but left something to be desired at end game when your spells...
  17. Replies

    Can anyone confirm that the Cannith crated...

    Can anyone confirm that the Cannith crated Negative Healing AMP is typed as Profane?
    I'm thinking about adding theses to my TR but don't want to wast mats if it's typed Profane.

  18. 36 Point Build Glad that it's something worth diving into! And...

    Glad that it's something worth diving into! And no worries that's why I check the forums every now and again to advertise and solicit feedback.
    Again, I'd love to answer questions or get feedback....
  19. 36 Point Build EK Hand and a Half and Shield

    I wrote it geared to Dwarves but all the same principles hold up for a Human using a Bastard Sword.

    Epic Destiny Leveling:
  20. Replies

    First Life Build A Human! Didn't you read the title!!! JK, JK. ...

    A Human! Didn't you read the title!!!
    JK, JK.

    Thank you for giving me my first feedback. It warms my heart that you found my thread helpful.

    Happy wizarding
  21. Replies

    First Life Build F2P Dwarf Wizard - FAQ

    Q: How do I get proficiency with dwarven waraxes and shields?
    A1: Master's Touch (Also works on Tower Shields just be careful you don't cap your dodge)
    You can buy scrolls of these from the...
  22. Replies

    34 Point Build No worries Fhen. I'm happy to answer questions....

    No worries Fhen. I'm happy to answer questions. This is obvious to me so I didn't think about adding it to my post. I'll correct that. Thank you for help making the build more accessible to new...
  23. Replies

    34 Point Build F2P Dwarf Wizard

    I just put up my build yesterday. I'd be honored if you tried it out and gave me some feedback.

    It's a tanky melee blaster. As long as you have a shield equipped and have one of your death aura's...
  24. Replies

    First Life Build F2P Dwarf Wizard - The Loot

    Some completely F2P gearing options at level 30. A lot of these have useful heroic leveling versions as well.

    Recommended Items At Level 30
    Two-Handed Weapons 26 Hunter's Slayer (Level 26) 28...
  25. Replies

    First Life Build F2P Dwarf Wizard - The Loot

    Recommended Farm based on benefit, level, and difficulty -
    Anniversary Event 20+ Sentient Jewels x1-3 5,10,15,20,25,30 The Only Exception (level 30)
    Night Reveles: 16,20,24,28 Cloak of...
Results 1 to 25 of 30
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