Barbarian Rage, not universal tree, but, it's STR based trance.
Type: Posts; User: draven1; Keyword(s):
Barbarian Rage, not universal tree, but, it's STR based trance.
I've stopped financial support for this game after devs ruined shadowdancer ED.
I didn't spend a single dime for this game after that.
They don't support sneaky types, so, I don't support them.
I did it already. Every filigrees in crafting storage are rare ones.
Why don't dev fix this low-hanging fruit feature that would make their fans happy?
This reminds me they had been not expand 50...
Man, I literally purchased EVERY SINGLE BANK & CRAFTING STORAGE and BAGS.
and that is STILL NOT ENOUGH.
That's the problem.
Still no response?
Named assassinate gears like,
(epic, legendary)midnight greetings, (epic, legendary) assassin's kiss, (epic, legendary) Clarissa's Lace Gloves, Ring of the Runaway, (Epic, mythic) Muffled Veneer...
Add reflex save to "Instant AOE spells that don't allow evasion (a.k.a horrid wilting)"
reduce horrid wilting damage to player.
Instant AOE spell doesn't allow reaction time for flanking...
Reaper vendor won’t accept throwing weapon and wand for fragment disassembling, even those have reaper enhancement.
No instakills, half CC duration of R10, double or triple cooldown for spells.
That's it! Leaving is THE FIX!
It will reduce the lag.
Usual modern database can handle 3 billion easily, not 3000.
Can we get a teleport spot(Aurgloroasa's Lair) that DOESN'T MESS UP deathwyrm raid flagging?
I don't know why, but, after some logins, the set bonus is back.
After I transfer items that are BTA and have 3 set augment, the 3 set augment bonuses are missing, and doesn't work.
Working :
Not Working after Bank transfer...
Imbues using spell power have significant advantage over imbues using melee/range power.
Because spell power can reach 1200~1600 range, but, melee/range power can't.
Spell power have 3x~4x more...
AC was changed on U14, because high AC was like "ALWAYS ON MELD". You had never gotten hit unless mobs roll on 20. Devs nerfed AC, and brought dodge & PRR/MRR later to compensate.
I doubt the...
So, Howl of winter nerfed already.
- U56
The Winter Hunt buff from Nature's Warrior core 5 now grants +5 Cold Spell Crit Chance and +15% Cold Spell Crit Damage.
Even without that buff, AOE...
Fire based FVS and Sorc also do one or two shot mobs on R10.
1. The problem is at "Dragon Breath / Energy Burst" with AOE 8~9 level spells(Methor swarm, Tsunami, Ice Flowers, Divine Wraith,...
Arcane Trickster
Surprise Spells
At 10th level, an arcane trickster can add her sneak attack damage to any spell...
Can we get filters that can separate Bound to Character, Bound to Account, Bound to Character on Equip, Non Bound items for banks, inventory?
and can we get filters that can separate Mythic,...
Is this hard to implement? I don't think so.
Why are filigree stacks limited to just 5?
Let vistani enhancement use kukri.
Kukri is the most un-used weapon in DDO, you can help Kukri by letting vistani can use Kukri, too.
Kukri is also dagger, so, it fits perfectly to its flavor....
It sounds like you are giving VERY GOOD REASON TO NERF MORE for Wiz/Sorc.
Actually, spell casters are still so OP.
Because devs didn't touch any spell caster EDs, and didn't change high level spell's damage, cooldown.