Make them spendable.
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Make them spendable.
Tastes like dragonmark soup made with pure magic instead of water.
Okay, I'm even not sure that it will be fixed.
When I try to use DDO Store, it says:
'Your store session has timed out. Please use the home button to reload the store.'
Reloading has no...
I know that it is somewhat useless, but how about fixing DDO User Manual in the test folder? It is still in the 10-level era.
I'd prefer Twelve. Because being famous dragonmarked mage is cooler than being somewhat corrupt ruler or a bard who is ALWAYS hunted.
No, better a 1-hp Asmodeus with unused Reverie of Nessus and dead group of adventurers. Fourth round: He's fully rested raid boss at CR 35, and you are alone.
Excuse me for breaking your scheme. Well, you can't mimic something living. Except when you become low-quality WF. Even then, you'll be an abberation, not a WF - so being stunned by a cerulean sign...
Well, imagine a group being squashed by a final boss who is still in perfect health.
Quoting the MM1:
'Mimic Shape (Ex): A mimic can assume the general shape of any object that fills roughly 150 cubic feet (5ft. by 6ft. by 5ft.), such as a massive chest, a stout bed, or a wide...
4.20.02 is bugged - one cannot select Destinies, Item Builder or Equipment menus.
It looks as NOTHING. Because mimics spawn in form equal to the current form of it's progenitor.
Mimic cannot mimic characters, only items. But kobold statue might be effective!
New rune arm!
Archlie on Wayfinder.
Wanna join the devils? Remember, in real life you're expert 10 at best.
Why killing is first? Flaying red wyrmling's skin is not as evil as the resulting hide's ex-owner.
Offered dragon-themed answer to 105 already.
This answer is just a joke.
Okay, now existing potion: Beholder cookie. They ARE potions!
Nay, this is no potion, this is wonderous item.
One potion? Potion of shapechange. To be honest, shapechange into a great wyrm force dragon. To make all these enemies dead in a single breath.
Or into an illithid. Their mind blast is awesome.
I'm late, right?
Ok, here's my answer:
Make a shiny chromatic shield or a shiny metallic mount.
Magic can do everything except it cannot do.
If you need exact answer, read this: It cannot bring magic to the world without one.
Well, my Store is permanently timed-out. Restarted so many times that forgot how many, but the store doesn't work.
You don't need heal. You need plenty o' (resist/protection from) (fire/acid) potions.
You mean adding bad-tempered Phane who causes permanent timed-up?