Same happening on Thelanis too.
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Same happening on Thelanis too.
This happened to me yesterday, btw. Not sure what triggered it, but I basically found that getting killed by them and hit release was the quickest way to exit the quest after finishing it. At least I...
Only the first part of this statement is correct, i.e. you just need to have a non-M1/M2 Mac. I bought in 2021 one of the latest MacBook Pro to be produced before the M1 chip kicked in, I've always...
Are there non-artifact gloves? Cannot find them on the wiki except a general "Dinosaur Bone armors, shields, and accessories are available as loot in the raid", but they are not available as a...
If I remember correctly, the very same typo is in the portal that takes you from the Keep on the Borderlands, again to the Gatekeepers' Groove.