This was bug reported during the Lamannia Preview and it's still present on live almost 6 months later
Type: Posts; User: Dabima; Keyword(s):
This was bug reported during the Lamannia Preview and it's still present on live almost 6 months later
Red glow has always been there, and the decorations above the gatekeepers grove entrance have been there since maybe 2 updates ago
Yeah, Orien has been a **** show all day today, constant rubberbanding, attacks not registering for 20+ seconds, etc. can’t say I’m surprised
The lag has been absolutely atrocious for the last 2 months. I'm honestly at my wits end with this game after 14 years of playing. If the supposed lag fix tomorrow doesn't fix this ****, I'm just...
Just a minor complaint but I'll put it here. The trend for the last few years is that all yellow-named mobs in a quest will be the exact same power, all orange names the same power, and all red names...
Glad to see the bug with monsters and summons/hirelings attacking dead creatures for 30 seconds after they die is finally getting a fix :) seeing some great fixes in here
There are only 2 non-red name dragons in the game. The pseudodragons in Stormhorns wilderness, and the 4 dragons in Invitation to Dinner on heroic normal/hard (orange named instead of red). These are...
That... never happened.
Constant lag spikes in quests, constant spells dry firing, taking 2-3 minutes to accept a quest reward, NPC dialogue boxes taking 30+ seconds to advance after clicking. This is ridiculous
Pretty sure there is nobody left at the company who knows how hireling coding works. They’ve been beyond broken for years, and they have made zero effort to fix them. Boggles my mind why they keep...
This was fixed a few updates ago but is broken once again. Just got 7 stacks of poison/acid dot within about 2 seconds of being near a water ele champion
All of the coin lords are Humanoid/Human despite the fact that 2 of them are actually Elves/Dwarves (Graden/Yorrick)
The elementals are all statted incorrectly. (Water is higher CR and stronger than...
Not that Lamannia feedback is ever taken into consideration, but all of the spiders in the quest are heroic-scaled on legendary difficulty. Why are the runts as powerful as the warriors? The runts...
Referring to the mob version of the spell doing 2-3 times as much damage as it is supposed to be doing since Blightmaster was released
Last update that made the harpies in Storm Horns finally count in the MM made all the harpies in Lines of Supply killable and also immediately hostile when you enter their camp, besides the...
The item can summon both a protoceratops or a velociraptor
Simple, all summoned creatures from spells and clickies turn hostile if the caster logs out. The dino-summoning item from the raid was never flagged to not be usable in public areas, so people use...
Can also confirm my fiend pact is doing 0 damage.
I've heard from a few characters that have always been on Orien that they also cannot level past 28. Seems to be not exclusive to transfers but rather a server issue altogether
I think it would suffice if they simply had a message popup like some other pets like the Pet Rock, where upon trying to use a hat or collar, you get an error popup that says "this cosmetic cannot be...
I've now wasted DDO Store cosmetic hats on the Micrometeor Swarm, Warforged Peacock, Dread Triceratops Hatchling, and the Dread Raptor Chick. Apparently none of these pets can wear cosmetics, yet...
No defense for it other than simply not being anywhere near them. It gives no saving throw and there's no counter to it to my knowledge. Nothing stopping multiple harpies from just spamming it on you...
Saw multiple spots where rubble was floating a few feet off the ground instead of being flush with it.
Struggling to understand the plot here... we just uncovered that vecna and his cult has...
I think the main problem is that while they made epic scaling uniform, they never bothered addressing the late heroics problem. This problem is that almost all of the level 16+ content is scaled so...
Can't you jump down to the next tier down on the shadow side and someone raise you before you rubberband back to the top floor?