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  1. Replies

    thanks for the update, great info.

    thanks for the update, great info.
  2. Replies

    I'm interested in how these builds are working...

    I'm interested in how these builds are working out, how are they going?
  3. You might want to go 18 WLK for the imbue dice...

    You might want to go 18 WLK for the imbue dice and knockdown immunity. Assuming you're going to be putting on a radiance spellpower item, you might as well get as much out of the imbue as you can. If...
  4. Replies

    my game is crashing each time i use thorn lance....

    my game is crashing each time i use thorn lance.

    64 bit client, dx11, tabaxi - not sure what other information you need
  5. Alternate Tankier Build

    Tiefling or Dragonborn
    True Neutral
    20 Warlock
    Max out CHA, then CON
    If you have INT tomes, you put it to 10- if not, take it to 12 (14-16 CON and 18-20 CHA are all fine)

  6. I've been playing this build at endgame for a...

    I've been playing this build at endgame for a while, testing different ED configurations and trying to farm out a new gearset. It hasn't changed much but I still need to update it. I've been playing...
  7. Replies

    the previous archetypes were free so I'm assuming...

    the previous archetypes were free so I'm assuming that these will be free too
  8. Replies

    I was unable to see them on either type of...

    I was unable to see them on either type of warlock. Maybe we'll get some more info when acolyte of the skin releases on lamannia
  9. Replies

    As the other poster said, multiclassing warlock...

    As the other poster said, multiclassing warlock that focuses on blasts isnt the best idea. most warlock multiclasses are for grabbing the goodies out of the enlightened spirit tree for more...
  10. Replies

    Soloing reaper without gear/past lives/tomes...

    Soloing reaper without gear/past lives/tomes built up is really difficult. I'm sure there's builds that can do it, and I'll link to one in a bit, but ultimately if you're going solo you might...
  11. looking for gearset feedback

    looking for some feedback on a potential gearset, any notes here?
    EDIT: just realized I had two incompatible pieces of gear on both sets, need to redo
  12. Replies

    the illusory weapons are viable basically up to...

    the illusory weapons are viable basically up to when you want to start using a sentient weapon. there are better options but you should be good to use them up to level 12.
  13. edgylock can solo EE super comfortably up to...

    edgylock can solo EE super comfortably up to endgame and then can solo r1-3 without many reaper points in quests where you are allowed to use negative damage. the self healing was shockingly enough....
  14. Replies

    is this something that still works or is spell...

    is this something that still works or is spell damage now good enough for R3-R5 bosses? I haven't played since the ED rework and I'm eyeballing this to TR into
  15. Hey all, had to take a break for a while. ...

    Hey all, had to take a break for a while.

    After the changes this build doesn't feel nearly as good to me personally, while being (I feel) more powerful comparatively than it was before. I don't...
  16. I just kind of assumed it worked because of the...

    I just kind of assumed it worked because of the description in core 1: "Abilities that trigger off of a Bardic Inspiration use will trigger when you use Inspire Courage" - I realize that ballad is...
  17. Holding mobs removes the evasion part, and I...

    Holding mobs removes the evasion part, and I haven't had much struggle with it. The extra spellpower in Fatesinger makes a huge difference, as well as the available gear. It's possible to achieve...
  18. I'm glad you're enjoying it! I like the build a...

    I'm glad you're enjoying it! I like the build a lot - not just for the damage but the enchant stuff as well.
  19. Thanks for the note. Honestly Solid Sound is...

    Thanks for the note. Honestly Solid Sound is better than Fiddle if you use the U49 resonance scepter regardless - you get more DCs (one of two items with +5 ins enchanting in the game), extra...
  20. The Shattered Onyx is probably the best choice...

    The Shattered Onyx is probably the best choice there - check out the endgame set instead of the non-raid set for inspiration.

    Also re soul survivor - I have run that quest around 50 times and I...
  21. No worries. Fall and winter combined sets work...

    No worries. Fall and winter combined sets work pretty well for this build if you still want to avoid the feywild dreamer set.
  22. Replies

    Glad to see you've come around on this concept :)

    Glad to see you've come around on this concept :)
  23. I mean the soul splitter set is really, really...

    I mean the soul splitter set is really, really good. But anyway, here's what I'd do if I didn't have feywild and didn't wanna use soul splitter. This is a quick and dirty put together thing but...
  24. Replies

    Casters are very good at clearing mobs compared...

    Casters are very good at clearing mobs compared to melee/ranged but are significantly worse at taking down bosses/red names.

    During the leveling process it feels like casters are stronger because...
  25. I use Elleri to give me ~200 SP every 5 minutes....

    I use Elleri to give me ~200 SP every 5 minutes. Call, divine vitality, and then immediately dismiss so the timer starts back up again.
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