Ok, I have come to terms with the whole spend TP for easier crafting levels, don't like it but if the money does help support the game then fine, lets deal and move on.
Earlier I decided to make a +1 holy mace to test the crafting viability for future unbound items. I did this without using TP at all other than the fact that I leveled crafting using Lamma TP.
Starting from scratch with the appropriate crafting levels, I had to deconstruct 23 various weapons that give up good ingredients, plus 4 efficacy scepters, to even have the amount of ingredients needed to make the lowly +1 holy mace. I know this is the preview server but is this WAI? Some of these where level 6 ability weapons. :confused:
The amount of ingredients from the deconstruct is really bad, add to the fact that they are random, which means that no amount of planning, ex...i must breakdown 15 of these items to make this one can be done.
Now as some of yall know, I have been looking so forward to real crafting finally being in DDO ever since it was mentioned at PAX that it was coming in U9. :D When watching the interview I know that he must have kinda misspoke when he mentioned that you can pull one ability from an item and put it on another. At no point have I seen that you can pull a "paralyzing shard" from an (read this as one) item and put it on another item.
Assuming (I know what this means but has to be used) that Paralyzing is level 90+ due to it being a "big 10" ability we can guess that with the amount of ingredients needed for those mystical levels, with level 75 items needing 2048, that it is possible with the progresson x2 not x4 as earlier levels then we could possibly see the need for 8000+ ingredients needed. That would mean that just using paralyzing like the PAX example you would need around 200 paralyzing weapons, since you only get around 35 ingredients from deconstructing them and this is from level 6 ability, to even have the ingredients need to craft said paralyzing weapon.
Now maybe it is not 8000+ but a semi-reasonable 1024 x2/x3/x4 progression in which case the above example is still rather unreasonable with having to deconstruct around 100 paralyzers just to make the one that you want. Point is using the PAX example with the crafting system they have given us, if you can't find the paralyzer you want with going through 100+ paralyzing weapons then the random loot system has failed in the first place.
To summarize this rather long post. To get the paralyzer you want you need to either break down 100+ items to make it, sell 50 of them to buy the one you want on the AH, trade a couple for it, or buy the ingredients with a couple hundred turbine points, lol. Which IMO seems like the crafting system as is, is kinda a failure. :(
I am up for discussion and willing to see other points of view on this topic. :D