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Hi All.
I for one have invested hundreds and hundreds of dollars into this game. And what do i get for it.
1) Casters get nerfed by programming changes that do not allow the said casters to buy very important scrolls such as Cloud Kill, Firewall, Solid fog, other such things.
2) Casters get their spells nerfed, Firewall for example, A crit firewall doesnt last the length of the spell, which is rediculous! and against the laws of physics, each tic has a chance to crit ? Really? now, i have to wait the entire length of the spell for those crits to tic every so often, Instead of burning my mana to get that crit firewall, to solo eye of the titan end boss and other.
3) now! they plan on nerfing firewall again and making mobs running through get a save?
4) Sounds to me like Turbine has gotten all the rotten programmers from EQ and made them hit this game with the nerf stick so that people will go to LOTR. Not me... Give me my money back and let this dead horse get flogged again and again by poor management.
Anyone Agree!??!?!? Put your name to this and tell the developers what to fix about this game that they are ruining.