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I will answer this with my personal opinions, so take this with a grain of salt - Yes I expect content and cosmetics; I also expect convenience items (but not BTC ones - looking at you, huge bags). What I do NOT expect and highly disapprove of is any item whose effects cannot be duplicated or easily replicated. Personally I do not like the anti-beholder trinkets and anti-mummy elixirs: the anti-beholder trinket trivializes the necklace from Invaders, and puts it in a much less competitive spot. The anti-mummy elixirs I would be all for if they were put in as plat-buyable as well, even for an exorbitant amount, maybe similar to the Amrath potions. Saying "The store loot can drop in chests" is not sufficient, unless they raise the drop rate very substantially, like making the chance to get any piece (not a specific piece, but any piece) of store loot approximately the same chance as getting a mana pot in a chest.
As for the crafting ingredients, this to me is really at the line. They are not selling anything that you could not get through enough ingame grinding (I consider the XP booster and percentage booster to be convenience items). But the AMOUNT of convenience that they are selling here is teetering on my personal borderline. In order to get your crafting up to levels high enough to reliably create high-level recipes, you currently have to do a LOT of crunching - either getting the weapons through questing, the AH, or donated through your guild/friends. The easy way around this is to buy the ingredients on the auction house. This, combined with the XP boosters and percentage boosters, are what have many people nervous about the new system - myself included.