Suggestion to Fix Beholders
As everyone knows, Beholders are very frustrating to fight, as they have a nasty tendency to first dispel all your buffs, then hit you with everything they've got while you're vulnerable. I've got a few ideas that would fix beholders, and none of them would require new technology on the developer's part - it would just require applying them to beholders.
1. Beholder's Antimagic Field dispelling buffs.
SRD Link on Antimagic
Antimagic is supposed to suppress, not dispel it. The technology to suppress buffs already exists with the Globe of Invulnerability spell.
In this case, the developers would simply have to apply the same technology to a beholder's antimagic - as long as a character has the "Antimagic Field" effect on, his buffs are suppressed, but when the field wears off, the buffs return.
2. Beholder's Rays striking a character under the effects of Antimagic.
A Beholder should not be able to strike a character under the effects of Antimagic - they're in the field, so spells, spell-like abilities (such as the beholder's rays) and supernatural abilities should be suppressed. The technology to make a character immune specifically to a Beholder's spells exists via the Beholder Optic Nerve.
In this case, the developers would simply need to make a Beholder's Antimagic Field "buff" provide immunity to a beholder's rays.
Thoughts? These are just rough ideas, but it would make fighting Beholders less of a frustrating experience. Keep in mind I am not whining because I think beholders are too hard, as beholder-hunting with my cleric in von2 and 3 is a favorite pastime of mine, but I think these changes would make beholders a much better foe - you won't feel like you're being cheated every time you fight them.
Suggestion to fix Scorpions.
Remove them from the game.
MHO on fixing beholders...
To truely fix beholders, in my own humble opinion:
1- Anti-Magic Cone from central eye would supress buffs. It would also supress all magical effects you have running. it would supress all magical items, weapons, armor. Weeee.
2- All ray attacks should actually have to roll to hit. This isn't just for beholders but for all ray attacks. Give wizads a reason to choose dex over con. Ray Sorcerers as a viable build. Beholder Enervation shouldn't be auto smoosh. (The devs have said that the lack of a to hit roll vs touch ac with ray attacks is because we have the ability as players to dodge out of the way. Shenanigans. I can dodge out of the way of arrows, but they still need an attack roll. I can tumble around a melee, but he still needs to roll. Wanna make it tougher? Increase the speed a ray reaches the target so they are tougher to dodge.)
Anti-Magic field could be a lot of fun to play in. Throw in a few Golems and watch the party cry. fighters with their masterwork weapons are suddenly not so uber vs beholders, but if the beholder drops that central eye cone, then launches all his rays at you, well, sucks be you. And as a previous poster stated, those eye rays should be targetting people outside the cone of antimagic. Beholders are smart. Keep as many casters in the central eye as possible, and unload all your other rays at the others. Mutliple beholders could actually cause each other problems as their antimagic cones overlap.
BTW, flesh to stone is an instantaneous effect. Because of this an antimagic field will not reverse the effect. It permanently changes you into a rock (in ddo we get a save/min to make it more mmo friendly.) There is some argument in my pnp group as to whether a break enchantment can reverse flesh to stone, or if the higher lvl stone to flesh is necessary to reverse it. (stone to flesh also requires a fort save or die as part of the process in pnp)
Agreed, we don't need anything to make the game easier... but anything that makes the game less broken is good. True, they work the way they are... but the way they are isn't the way they are supposed to be. If they were the way they are supposed to be, they would actually be quite a bit tougher. Us without magical gear is us gettin our butts kicked. Put a beholder in there with mindflayers... no magical gear to help your saves, dmg, whatevs... psionic blast goes off and can rip up the whole group pretty dern easily. Tasty brains for everyone.