"Good, Bad, True Neutral - I'm the halfling with the named repeater"
- Babbaganoush Baggins of Sarlona
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"Good, Bad, True Neutral - I'm the halfling with the named repeater"
- Babbaganoush Baggins of Sarlona
This is all going to end in tears.
Oh no, the ooze, it is everywhere!
I turn death into an art form, unfortunately it is usually my own!
- Draz of Kyber
Actual game quotes:
Martens, Enlightened Monk of Light, Sarlona:
(Click for Video Proof!)
Beware, where you find great beauty, there may also be great danger... but where there is great danger, you may find treasure.
Martens, Enlightened Monk of Light Sarlona:
(Click for Video Proof!)
Sadly, I need to report that... well... umm... I killed the training dummy on your ship. Not the best time to discover my new Void Strike ability I guess?
Martens, Enlightened Monk of Light Sarlona:
The only thing worse than failing a quest, even death... is failing friends.
Marten the Cleric, Sarlona:
Swordsworn, I knew thee well! Sadly, he never understood that I CAN"T HEAL AROUND CORNERS!
PS: Martens, Enlightened Monk of Light, Sarlona:
I'm a HalfOrc, you expect me to be able to count above 3?!
"If you always bring your own healing, you'll never be without."Svardi, Paladin of Thelanis
"Communicate with your group - talk to them, listen to them, and work with them. 6 adventurers each with their own plan is no plan at all."Suerta, Bard of Thelanis
"When targeting casters at range, don't stand near others in your party, especially not if they are doing the same - groups make extra fat targets."Svardi, Paladin of Thelanis
"Dogs and Wolves may not look like much - but kill them first. The most frequent place to die is flat on your back"
- Ballance of Sarlona
Hi Welcome! - Every raid ever on Argo
Can I get a rez! Arko Highstar
Grease is the ultimate equalizer when dealing with obnoxious party members!
" A heal scroll in hand can still harm enemies when thrust with force and velocity against their face"
- Hairypalmm of Sarlona
"/Tell: Link your beaters, please."
Garr Moreno of Cannith
"Sometimes it is the least stealthy who show the greatest skill for pulling victims into dark alleys far away from their friends"
- Sissor of Sarlona
"Next time, let the rogue go first"
- Splintertusk of Sarlona
"Bring weapons for every occasion. Bring holy, anarchic, smiters, cursespewing, vorpal, metalline, bane, everbright.......... Just remember that you need to have strength to lug it all around"
Morbreth Undomiel, rogue from Argonnesen. Morbreth currently carries 22 different weapons. And is a dex build. And had lots of problems carrying all her weapons at lower levels.
"Crowd control is a team sport - Fight them in the Earthquake please"
- Tasha Raventhorn of Sarlona
Bacon is delicious. Some bacon will summon Jeets’ Id to crush your enemies, but ALL bacon is delicious.
-- Dyter of Wayfinder
"Lighten up Francis; it's only a game"
- Gruumble Gravelson of Sarlona
Pain isn't real, and death can be fleeting, but tomes last an eternity. Reincarnate for fun and power!
- Fjorina Sanguine
"It's not zerging if someone isn't mad at you" Jennafer,Khyber
"Level Drained? You should have been a Warforged!" Gibberish of Khyber
"Bleeding to Death? You should have been a Warforged!" Gibberish of Khyber
"Paralyzed? You should have been a Warforged!" Gibberish of Khyber
"I remember when I was happy getting my first master work sword; I had to fight my way solo through training dungeon, just for the "Privilege" of leaving a bar, so I could take a boat to the docks, fight my way through multiple dungeons, to get access to the harbor so I could bribe a guard and run all the way across town to buy a Masterwork Sword from a house Deneith merchant. The Kids Today? Someone hands them flaming magic weapons just for showing up!" Gibberish of Khyber
"When was the last time you used a Healers Kit? Who is still making those and putting them in chests?" Gibberish of Khyber
"Remember when the (Insert pre-2010 named item, ex Mummified Bat) was essential gear?" Gibberish of Khyber
"A long time ago, I knew a Drow Wizard with only 72 hp at level 14!" Gibberish of Khyber
"Use Magic Device; the only skill I know that everyone needs and has, but for some reason certain class trainers refuse to teach their students." Gibberish of Khyber (seriously, why is this still a cross class skill for anyone in Eberron)
"Crossbows are amazing! But for some inexplicable reason are completely unable to damage pillars! Always carry a melee weapon!" Gibberish of Khyber
"Remember when Dragon Touched armor was good? Yeah, whatever happened to that?" Gibberish of Khyber
"Have you ever noticed that Dragons are nothing more then giant Dogs with wings!" Gibberish of Khyber
"For a city with such a massive sewer complex, there sure aren't very many toilets!" Gibberish of Khyber
"Lava; it used to be deadly, now its just orange water!" Gibberish of Khyber
"Ankle deep water: Slows a 7 foot tall man to a crawl. Waist deep water: A Warforged amalgamation of iron and stone carrying 1500 pounds of random junk can swim like a dolphin!" Gibberish of Khyber.
"Remember when Feather Falling meant low gravity? Oh what fun we used to have flying through the air.. I miss that." Gibberish of Khyber
"To kill the Guardian of Shan-To-Kor you absolutely must have a Wizard or Sorc who can cast Magic Missile or a Melee Fighter with an Adamantine weapon. Also, to even get to him you must have a Rogue for traps, and it wouldn't hurt to have a dedicated healer to keep everyone alive!" Gibberish of Khyber Circa 2006
"When was the last time you ate or drank anything? We have bars all over town but I haven't eaten or drunk anything in years! How do they stay in business?" Gibberish of Khyber
"Something is wrong with the Seagulls!" Gibberish of Khyber
"Who decided the Hermit Crab was the best model for a magical cart?" Gibberish of Khyber
"Sometimes I feel pity for pirates as I fly over them in my Airship!" Gibberish of Khyber
"A wise man once said "Quoting someone shows you lack original ideas or the resolve to let your thoughts stand on their own so you attach them to some perceived authority figure". I think he was quoting someone." Gibberish of Khyber
"Ahh...The dragon mark of shadow; how you have served me well - extended displacement for the non-Arcane"
- Moonshiine of Sarlona